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Updated: August 8, 2024

The following is the translation of these italicized passages: "God willed that Adam should not eat of that tree; but he did eat; he, therefore, did not remain as God willed him to remain: it results, therefore, that the maker of Adam was impotent."

There was a ghost-like stealthiness to Miss Margaret's movements, though there was nothing whatever of the ghost about Miss Margaret herself. She was a plump, short person, no longer young, with coal-black hair growing low on the forehead, and a round face that would have been nearly meaningless if the features had not been emphasized italicized, so to speak by the small-pox.

And you " Her tone italicized the words "to my great disappointment, are doing less, not more, than the people you laugh at! Sam Clark, on the school-board, is working for better school ventilation. "You sneer so easily. I'm sorry, but I do think there's something essentially cheap in your attitude. Especially about religion. "If you must know, you're not a sound reformer at all.

It is pleasing to see how this theory is getting to be universally applied. All knowledge can be put into a kind of pemican, so that we can have it condensed. Everything must be chopped up, epitomized, put in short sentences, and italicized. And we have primers for science, for history, so that we can acquire all the information we need in this world in a few hasty bites.

Disaster and shame look in the rear." The result, as will be seen, furnished a grotesque commentary upon that portion of General Pope's order which we have italicized.

Her father was a man of good family, an official, and she was an attendant at a fashionable school. The following occurred in the conversation. Her slang is italicized: Heathen Chinee: "It is very dull this week, Miss ." Young lady, sententiously: "Bum." Heathen Chinee: "I hope it will be less bum soon."

Several prints were pinned up unframed, among them that grand national portrait-piece, "Barnum presenting Ossian E. Dodge to Jenny Lind," and a picture of a famous trot, in which I admired anew the cabalistic air of that imposing array of expressions, and especially the Italicized word, "Dan Mace names b. h. Major Slocum," and "Hiram Woodruff names g. m. Lady Smith." "Best three in five.

"If," she interrupted, scenting danger. He ignored the interruption as a thing of slight value he was accustomed to. "If we accept this point of view," he continued, "we must believe that in plants there exists a faint copy of what we know as consciousness in ourselves ." He laid the paper down and steadily stared at her. Their eyes met. He had italicized the last phrase.

There was a ghost-like stealthiness to Miss Margaret's movements, though there was nothing whatever of the ghost about Miss Margaret herself. She was a plump, short person, no longer young, with coal-black hair growing low on the forehead, and a round face that would have been nearly meaningless if the features had not been emphasized italicized, so to speak by the small-pox.

This brought out a bit of virago through her induced blondness, but all the same it italicized her, just as the crescent of black court plaster exclaimed at the whiteness of her back. She could spend an entire morning fluffing at these things, pressing out, with a baby electric iron and a sleeve board, a crumple of chiffon to new sheerness, getting at spots with cleaning fluid.

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