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A corps of instructresses in domestic economy is, however, already abroad throughout the country, nearly all the County Councils having already appointed them.

"Yes, and he's got naked children running about in the woods." "Children? The instructresses too!" "They may not be exactly naked, but they are always running about barefoot." "Just like peasant women," said Zherbenev. "Yes," said the Vice-Governor. "It is very immoral for women to go about barefoot. It must be stopped." "They are poor people," said some one.

Unless I'm mistaken you are instructresses there. As far as one could judge from your light dresses and your contempt of footwear, I think I'm not mistaken, eh? Tell me, it's an amusing life there, isn't it?" "No," said Elisaveta, "we are not instructresses and we do not live there." "What a pity!" said Ostrov incredulously. "I might have told you something about Mr. Trirodov."

All of them, the children as well as their instructresses of whom three or four were to be seen were dressed quite simply and alike. Their simple, light attire seemed beautiful. It was pleasant to look at them, perhaps because their dress revealed the active parts of their body, the arms and the legs. Dress here was made to protect, and not to conceal; to clothe, and not to muffle.

Winifred and Eileen were delighted to display themselves in the character of instructresses. They entertained Robin for a short time, but, after that, she began to dislike the shared giggles which so often broke out after their introduction of a name or an incident. It seemed to hint that they were full of amusing information which they held back.

They were so painfully in love with the dream of liberation! Some of the instructresses from Trirodov's colony were also here, among them the sad Nadezhda and the ecstatic Maria. There were quite a number of schoolboys and schoolgirls present. These tried to act at ease, to show that it was not their first occasion of the sort. There were also many college students, both men and women.

They remained over an hour chattering cheerfully with the children and their instructresses. The children were sweet and confiding. The instructresses, no less simple and charming, seemed cheerful, care-free, and restful. Yet they were always busy, and nothing escaped them.

Besides many of the children did certain things without being urged, this being evidently a part of a system, of which the sisters had as yet barely an inkling. Instruction was mixed up with play. One of the instructresses invited the sisters to listen to what she called her lesson.

When Trirodov happened to be in the Headmaster's office the conversation usually turned on documents concerning the instructresses and various petty formalities. The calumnies of Ostrov and of his friends in the Black Hundred disturbed Doulebov. To avoid unpleasantness Doulebov decided to take advantage of the first opportunity to close Trirodov's school.

I feel quite ashamed of my own utter ignorance on every subject, and am determined to set to work directly and learn: at all events I shall have plenty of instructresses. Christchurch is a very pretty little town, still primitive enough to be picturesque, and yet very thriving: capital shops, where everything may be bought; churches, public buildings, a very handsome club-house, etc.