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The duty of providing grain at low prices which was unavoidably necessary with such a proletariate living wholly from hand to mouth was treated with the most unscrupulous frivolity, and the fluctuations in the price of bread-corn were of a fabulous and incalculable description.

Stebbins' prayers, the daily use of which had led to the reading again and again of the book he very deeply cherished. He was the most loyal of friends patient, appreciative beyond deserts, kindly, and just. The influence for good of such a man is incalculable.

It is one of the most important measures our Government could have adopted, as regards the Republic as well as the Aborigines. I have no hesitation in pronouncing the step as being fraught with incalculable benefits to both parties, i.e., the settlers and the native tribes.

The establishment of Hong Kong completely obviates this inconvenience, and enables the ship from Great Britain or elsewhere to dispose of her cargo in a few days after her arrival, and proceed home again, thus saving time, expense, and trouble to an incalculable extent.

He wanted and yet he hesitated, as if he did not quite dare touch it. He laughed and filled the glasses. He had dropped his question, and there was no one at the table who seemed ready to put another. And yet there were questions there, in all the eyes; but some impassable barrier seemed to have come between these eager people, and what, for incalculable reasons, they so much wanted to know.

Its subtlety, its flexibility, its capacity for analytic research, its variety of range, and facility for reaching all hearts and all minds all this is simply incalculable. And we may be sure that the star of romance has not yet reached its zenith. It is the art of the future and an art wherein women are quite as likely to reign as men.

That jewel your Majesty has promised me: it is my Isabella, in obtaining whom I shall be richly rewarded, not only for this service, such as it is, which I have rendered your Majesty, but for many others which I intend to perform in order to repay some part of the incalculable amount which your Majesty will bestow upon me in that jewel."

A march of 526 miles or about 33 moderate days' marching the continuance and termination of which were disturbed by no special misfortunes on a great scale that could not be anticipated, but were, on the other hand, rendered possible only by incalculable pieces of good fortune and still more incalculable blunders of the enemy, and which yet not only cost such sacrifices, but so fatigued and demoralized the army, that it needed a prolonged rest in order to be again ready for action is a military operation of doubtful value, and it may be questioned whether Hannibal himself regarded it as successful.

Like an insane man he hastened down the river bank, fighting his way through the brush. The thickets were dense, ordinarily impenetrable to any mortal strength except to that mighty, incalculable power of the moose and grizzly; yet they could not restrain him now.

In Florence, if anywhere, men were able to feel the incalculable consequences of a deed of blood, and to understand how uncertain the author of a so-called profitable crime is of any true and lasting gain.