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Luckily my kitchen did not go off with the schooner, and you shall see, Hurliguerly, if I do not make up dishes just as good as on board the Halbrane, so long as provisions don’t grow scarce, of course

Well, then, that probability will be enough for me, and since you offer me your services, get Captain Len Guy to accept me as a passenger.” “It’s as good as done.” “All right, Hurliguerly, and you shall have no reason to repent of it.” “Eh! Mr.

Hurliguerly regarded the opportunity as highly favourable for the renewal of talk with me, and availed himself of it accordingly. He accosted me as follows: “Accept my sincere compliments, Mr. Jeorling?” “And wherefore, boatswain?” “On account of what I have just heard that you are to come with us to the far end of the Antarctic seas.”

What’s the matter?” cried William Guy. “Cut away, boatswain, cut away!” shouted West, “or we shall be dragged against the rocks.” Hurliguerly hurried to the bow of the Paracuta to cut away the rope. Of a sudden the knife he held was snatched out of his hand, the rope broke, and the grapnel, like a projectile, shot off in the direction of the sphinx.

The big blunderer did not even beg my pardon!” In the afternoon of the same day our ears were assailed by a hideous braying from below. Hurliguerly remarked that as there were no asses to treat us to the concert, it must be given by penguins.

His attitude could only signify one of two things either my proposal had been communicated to him, and he did not intend to accede to it; or neither Hurliguerly nor Arkins had spoken to him since the previous day. In the latter case, if he held aloof from me, it was because of his morose nature; it was because he did not choose to enter into conversation with a stranger.

We had, however, no time for reflection, and immediately upon our landing, our attention was turned in another direction by the sight of a boat lying wrecked upon the sand. “The Halbrane’s boat!” cried Hurliguerly.

These words were greeted with some murmurs of satisfaction, but not with cheers, except those of Hurliguerly the boatswain, and Endicott the cook, which found no echo. On the 13th of January a conversation took place between the boatswain and myself of a nature to justify my anxiety concerning the temper of our crew. The men were at breakfast, with the exception of Drap and Stern.

The largest number our boat could hold was from eleven to twelve persons. Then eleven of us, indicated by lot, would have to remain on this island of ice. And what would become of them? With regard to this Hurliguerly made a sound observation. “After all,” he said, “I don’t know that those who would embark would be better off than those who remained!

Everyone would turn against me, even Endicott, perhaps.” “I have urged nothing which is not at least probable,” I answered sharply. “I don’t deny that fact, Mr. Jeorling.” “Yes, Hurliguerly, yes I believe what I have said, and I have no doubt but that we shall really see the land beyond the icebergs.” “Just possible, Mr. Jeoding, quite possible.