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And if the launch of the schooner is not successful, here are we condemned to winter quarters which the polar bears themselves would hardly relish!” I replied only by a shake of my head, which Hurliguerly could not fail to understand. “Do you know, Mr. Jeorling, of what I think oftenest?” “What do you think of, boatswain?” “Of the Kerguelens, whither we are certainly not travelling.

You shall see them all again, boatswain Atkins, the Green Cormorant, and Kerguelen! For God’s sake do not let yourself grow downhearted! And if you, a sensible and courageous man, despair already ” “Oh, if I were the only one it would not be half so bad as it is!” “The whole crew does not despair, surely?” “Yes and no,” replied Hurliguerly, “for I know some who are not at all satisfied!”

We may be sure that will be agreed to by our men,” declared Hurliguerly. “What is necessary must be done,” replied the mate, “and to-day we must set to work.” That was a sad day on which we began our preparations. Endicott, the cook, was the only man who submitted without murmuring.

Martin Holt nudged Hurliguerly with his elbow, and both regarded Hunt with pity, while West observed him without speaking. Captain Len Guy made me a sign, meaning that nothing serious was to be got out of this poor fellow, whose mental faculties must have been out of gear for a long time.

The first person whom I met on the deck was Hurliguerly; he gave me a look of triumph, which said as plainly as speech: “Ha! you see now. Our hard-to-manage captain has given in at last. And to whom do you owe this, but to the good boatswain who did his best for you, and did not boast overmuch of his influence?” Was this the truth? I had strong reasons for doubting it.

Hurliguerly called my attention to the fact.” “Of course he did,” said the boatswain, ”for Hearne, not being capable of managing the boat which he intended to seize, required a master-hand like Holt.” “And so,” I said, “he kept on urging Holt to question the half-breed concerning his brother’s fate, and you know how Holt came at last to learn the fearful truth.