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Updated: August 23, 2024

'Never mind arguin' the point. 'Well, keep horder, can't you? cried Philpot, fiercely, 'and give the man a chance. 'All these things are produced in the same way, proceeded Owen. 'They are made from the Raw materials by those who work aided by machinery.

'Hooray! shouted Philpot, leading off a cheer which was taken up enthusiastically by the crowd, 'Hooray! This is where WE comes in, he added, nodding his head and winking his goggle eyes at the meeting. 'I wish to call the chairman to horder, said the man on the pail.

'Keep horder, shouted Philpot, fiercely, striking the table with the hammer, and there were loud shouts of 'Chair' and 'Chuck 'im out, from several quarters. When order was restored, the lecturer proceeded: 'So it is not true that practically the suite state of affairs as we have today has always existed.

"It's a beautiful place: a lovely spot; and hall in prime horder. They say it's fifteen thousand a-year, and that there's not a shilling howing on the whole property. Even in these times the tenants are paying the rent, when no one else, far and near, is getting a penny out of them. I went by another place on the road Castle Desmond they call it, and I wish you'd seen the difference.

Not so, however, Dobbs. "Werry sorry, sir, but there's no heggs," he replied to this somewhat imperative order from Master Tommy, looking absolutely crestfallen at having thus to confess the shortcomings of his commissariat. "The caterer of the mess, sir, forgot to horder 'em, sir."

Lane's shot himself with one of those damned pistols; I always knew something like this would happen. "Well, I simply elbowed him out of the way and went in, and the others followed me. By this time, the uproar had penetrated to the rear of the house, and the servants Walters, the butler, and Mrs. Horder, the cook had joined us. We found Lane inside, lying on the floor, shot through the forehead.

This is more than Peal can say, to whomb I applied for a barnetcy; but the primmier being of low igstraction, natrally stickles for his horder. Consurvative though I be, I MAY CHANGE MY OPINIONS before the next Election, when I intend to hoffer myself as a Candydick for Parlymint. "Meanwhile, I have the honor to be, Sir, "Your most obeajnt Survnt,

If it pleases Him to annihilate me, it is well. Let Him do with me as seemeth to Him good." As regards Dr. Martineau's statement, I quote now from a letter received by me from Mr. William Tallack, who gave me particulars of a letter written in 1903, by Mr. W. Garrett Horder, on a meeting he had with Dr. Martineau:

Then, if their foul linen goes out, they follows it. The same if they has their meat from the cook-shop. Four hundred pounds a year lies there a waiting for me. I've been at them often to let me them premises. But they says no, we have got no horder from the court to let.

"I'd left my lovely Bride very gay the night before aving a multachewd of bisniss on, and Stockbrokers' and bankers' accounts to settle: atsettrey atsettrey. It was layt before I got these in horder: my sleap was feavrish, as most mens is when they are going to be marrid or to be hanged.

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