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But the great thing is to bear any kind of pain without budging or saying a single word. Maybe you're used to holloing now when you get hurt?" Pony confessed that he holloed a little; the others tried to look as if they never holloed at all, and Jim Leonard went on: "Well, you've got to stop that.

And then, just as the fruit-plates were put on the table, came a call, and the doctor was out in the hall, "holloing" and conducting with some distant patient one of those mysterious telephonic conversations which to those who overhear seem all replies and no questions.

She had not heard the bells, or the trampling, or my holloing. More by my motions than anything else, she saw that I was inviting her to get in; but she knew no more than her heels who I was. She went back into the schoolhouse and got her dinner-basket lucky or providential act! and in she climbed. If I had been Buck Gowdy or Asher Bushyager or the Devil himself, she would have done the same.

Of course the only way was to climb for the coon, which would be out at the point of a high and slender limb, and would bite you awfully, even if the limb did not break under you, while the boys kept whooping and yelling and holloing out what to do, and Tip the dog just howled with excitement.

I have run until I have fallen, and I have felt the teeth of the dogs. Were God to send a miracle which he will not do and I were to go back to the glen and the crag and the deep birch woods, I suppose that I would hunt again, would drive the stag to bay, holloing to my hounds, and thinking the sound of the horns sweet music in my ears. It is the way of the earth.

It went through Pony that it was strange Jim should care whether Bunty was at home or not, if Bunty had given up the patch, but he did not say anything; it often happened so with him about the things he thought strange. The fellows did not seem to notice where he was or what he was doing; they were all whooping and holloing, and now they began to play war with the watermelon rinds.

Upon this, Mrs Morgan looked at me as if she thought me deranged so did Miss Letitia and so did Miss Sophia; and even Martha, when she looked at me again, fell back in fresh fit, holloing "His head! his head" and this time it was more laughter than sobs. "Come away come away," said old Morgan at last; "no wonder you frighten them all to death. What the deuce is that you've got on your head?"

It was a splendid gun, but it would not stand cocked long, and he was resting it on the wall of the fort, ready to fire when the storming-party came on, throwing sods and yelling and holloing; and all at once his gun went off, and a cow that was grazing broadside to the fort gave a frightened bellow, and put up her tail, and started for home.

We stopped there; the red torrent was rushing tumultuously past us, but we saw nothing save a few wet and shivering negroes on the opposite side, who had sheltered themselves under a cliff, and were busily employed in attempting to light a fire. The holloing continued. "Why, what can be wrong?" at length said Don Ricardo, and he shouted to the people on the opposite side.

Blue Bob stood on the very point of the pier, where the strong stone-work divided the current, and held his hooked pole ready to make a clutch at the roof, whichever side it took. Jim Leonard saw him there, but although he had been holloing and yelling and crying all the time, now he was still. He wanted to say, "O Bob, save me!" but he could not make a sound.