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Hewlett and some others are taken and clapped up; and they say the King hath sent over to dissolve the Parliament there, who went very high against the Commissioners. Pray God send all well! Hence home and in comes Captain Ferrers and by and by Mr. Bland to see the and sat talking with me till 9 or to at night, and so good night. The Captain to bid my wife to his child's christening.

JANE ELLEN HARRISON, sometime Fellow and Lecturer at Newnham College, Cambridge University; writer of many standard works on classical religion, literature, and life. MAURICE HEWLETT, poet and romantic novelist, author of "Earthworks Out of Tuscany" and other mediaeval tales. ROBERT HICHENS, novelist, author of "The Garden of Allah," "Bella Donna," and other stories.

But, as I was saying, I shall give you a check " Leroux burst into loud laughter and slapped me heartily upon the shoulder. "Paul Hewlett," he said, with genuine admiration, "you are as good as a play. My friend, it would have paid you to have accepted my own offer. However, you declined it and I shall not renew it. Well, let us take your check, and it shall be accepted in full settlement."

These confidences, however, were soon superseded by an exchange, between mother and daughter, of increasingly frequent allusions to the delights of Narragansett, the popularity of Mrs. Higby, and the jolliness of her house; with an occasional reference on Mrs. Carstyle's part to the probability of Hewlett Bain's being there as usual hadn't Irene heard from Mrs. Higby that he was to be there?

He had been pinned beneath the bags of earth and gold which he had prized so dearly; the golden rocks were grinding out his life. He was dying and he could not take his treasures to that place to which he must go. I felt one hand come through the tiny opening in the wall and grasp at me. "Who is it?" he mumbled. "Is that you, Hewlett? For God's sake, kill me!"

Hewlett, however, in 1894, after thirty years of work, showed that the spots are not always depressions, being very subject to disturbance. The Kew photographs contributed a vast amount of information about sun-spots, and they showed that the faculae generally follow the spots in their rotation round the sun.

It would be no credit to a bride to clamour for love in such a cottage, and turn up her nose at palaces. I wish I had had the "Forest Lovers" to re-read while we were there. I think Maurice Hewlett must have got part of his inspiration in those mysterious green "walks" which lead away into that land where fairy lore and historic legend go hand in hand.

This was followed the next year by demonstration courses in the different branches of medicine and surgery. Dr. Dock was succeeded, upon his resignation in 1908, by Dr. A. Walter Hewlett, California, '95, who returned to Leland Stanford, Jr. University after six years' service. A Surgical Laboratory, established soon after Dr. Dr. de Nancrède retired in 1917, and in 1919 Dr.

Hewlett are contained in the following letter. "New York, Sep. 12, 1783. "Sir. You are to take the command of the British American Troops mentioned in the margin, which are to proceed to the River St. John's in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia.

He flung his hands above his head and stood facing me, surprise and terror twisting his features into a grimacing grin. There was no man, next to Leroux, whom I would rather have seen. "I wanted to see you, M. Hewlett," he babbled. "I can quite believe that, M. Lacroix," I answered. "You have looked for me before. But this time you have found me."