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Updated: August 11, 2024

We could see that Hawkesbury's statement, and his expressed joy at their liberation, had gone down both with Mr Ladislaw and Miss Henniker and at our expense, too; and yet we dared not expostulate or do ourselves justice. Afternoon school went on, and still no Smith appeared. Was he locked up in the coal-hole or in one of the attics up stairs?

Browning, England and Napoleon in 1803, pp. 1-6. Browning, ibid., pp. 6-10. See especially Hawkesbury's despatch in Browning, ibid., pp. 65-68, and Whitworth's despatches, ibid., pp. 73-75, 78-85. Whitworth's despatch of March 14, in Browning, England and Napoleon, p. 116. Browning, England and Napoleon, p. 218.

That the news of the events at Lyons excited the liveliest indignation in London is evident from Hawkesbury's despatch of February 12th, 1802, to Cornwallis: "The proceedings at Lyons have created the greatest alarm in this country, and there are many persons who were pacifically disposed, who since this event are desirous of renewing the war.

Merry, the British representative at the consular court; and also with introductions from Monsieur Otto, the French minister in London, to the most distinguished members of his government. On delivering Lord Hawkesbury's letters to Mr.

Who was talking?" she said, overhearing Hawkesbury's last exclamation. It was a queer picture that moment, and I can recall it even now. Hawkesbury standing in his night-shirt in the middle of the room. I, as lightly clad, crouching transfixed beside my friend's bed, who was sitting up with his hand on my arm.

Whether it was the Henniker was thoroughly upset by her toothache, or by Hawkesbury's bad conduct and Smith's impertinence, I cannot say, but for the next day or two she even excelled herself in the way she went on. There was nothing we could do, or think, or devise, that she did not pounce upon and punish us for.

When Billy had gone, Mr Merrett turned to me and said, "Go to your work, Batchelor, and tell Doubleday to send Hawkesbury here." I obeyed, feeling that, after all, as far as I was concerned, the storm had blown over. Doubleday went to Hawkesbury's glass box and opened the door. "You're wanted, Hawkes Hullo!" This exclamation was caused by the discovery that Hawkesbury was not there!

My few days' confinement and the opportunity for meditation they had afforded had served to give me an insight into Hawkesbury's character which made me treat this speech suspiciously. I replied nothing, and felt very uncomfortable. "It was most unfortunate," proceeded Hawkesbury, helping himself to the chair. "You know "

I was outvoted, and had to give up my idea of a rustic meal in the open air. It was not a very pleasant dinner. Masham, despite Hawkesbury's protests, persisted in interlarding it with his offensive stories, and Whipcord, who was taking very decided measures to excite his spirits, chimed in with his horsey slang, not unmixed with profanity.

I felt certain now that there was mischief on foot somewhere, and the appearance of this bird of ill-omen was sufficient to account for Hawkesbury's eagerness to get me out of the way. What could have brought these two to arrange a meeting here, at the office, and at an hour when in the ordinary course of things no one else would be present? I determined to stay where I was at all risks.

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