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It wouldn't be a picnic without Samuel Hatt." Just then the train drew up at a small station. Lucy Eastman started as she read the name of the place as it passed before her eyes. "Mary," said she, "this is where Mr. Hatt always used to get on the train. There are the Hatt Mills, and he goes up and down every day, don't you remember?

But afder der vater is gone down, unt dry oop unt eberding, dere vas yet der house dere. Unt my friends dey sait, 'Dot's all you got yet. Vell, feex oop der house dot's someding! feex oop der house, unt you vood still hatt yet a home! Vell, all summer I go to work, unt spent me eberding unt feex der proberty. Den I got yet a morgage on der house!

Moore in discourse of business, and in the afternoon by coach by invitacon to my uncle Fenner's, where I found his new wife, a pitiful, old, ugly, illbred woman in a hatt, a midwife.

There's a neighbour of Tillie's William Symons, of Hatt you had best choose someone who doesn't belong to our neighbourhood, for many reasons." The minister nodded. "Symons won't drop the business until he has pushed it through." "I will make a note of his name."

Material progress is evident as early as 1619 in the letter of John Pory, Secretary of the Colony, written from Virginia late in that year: Nowe that your lordship may knowe, that we are not the veriest beggars in the worlde, our cowekeeper here of James citty on Sunday goes accowtered all in freshe flaming silke; and a wife of one that in England had professed the black arte, not of a schollar, but of a collier of Croydon, weares her rought bever hatt with a faire perle hatband, and a silken suite thereto correspondent.

"And I shall put on my lavender lawn, but it'll be just our luck to have it Samuel Hatt." The next morning Mr. Endover called for them, and they were driven to the station in his brougham. He put them on the train, and bought the magazines for them, and waved his hand to the car window. "You know, Lucy," said Mary Leonard, as the train pulled out, "Tom Endover always used to come to see us off."

For a long time it seemed that no material results had been achieved in the raid. But the next morning Private Hatt, who for his exploit gained the D.C.M., crawled into our lines carrying the machine-gun which he had hugged all night between the German lines and ours.

Moore in discourse of business, and in the afternoon by coach by invitacon to my uncle Fenner's, where I found his new wife, a pitiful, old, ugly, illbred woman in a hatt, a midwife.

He was given three days to reconsider himself, and the Head of the establishment, after some telegraphings, said that it was a most unusual step, but, in view of the ability that Mr. Hatt had displayed at such and such a time, at such and such junctures, he was in a position to offer him an infinitely superior post first on probation, and later, in the natural course of things, on confirmation.

The country's beautiful, and there isn't so much dust in case we" she hesitated a moment "in case we go on a picnic." "Yes," replied Lucy, readily; "to the old fort. I hope we'll have a picnic to the old fort. I guess all the girls will like to go. It's just the time to take that drive over the hill." "If we go," said Mary Leonard, slowly and impressively, "you'll have to drive with Samuel Hatt."