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Updated: August 24, 2024

In 1754 he bought "a Superfine blue broad cloth Coat, with Silver Trimmings," "a fine Scarlet Waistcoat full Lac'd," and a quantity of "silver lace for a Hatt," and from another source it is learned that at this time he was the possessor of ruffled shirts.

This was the coup de grâce, the final blow to any germs of a Spanish style, of a style composed of Christian and Islam principles and ideals: "Es wär zu schön gewesen, Es hätt' nicht sollen sein!" Under the circumstances, the art student in Spain, however enthusiastic or one-sided he may be, cannot claim to discover a national school.

In order to this, by break of day he ryses and goes to Hamiltoune, and there bestowes all the money that for a long tyme before he had gotten from his freinds, or had otherwayes purchased, upon ribbones of diverse coloures, a new hatt and gloves.

The thought used to lay hold of him in the still, hot nights on the roof, till the shaking of his heart made him think that he was going to die then and there of heart-disease. Now this is a frame of mind which no boy has a right to know. It is a strong man's trouble; but, coming when it did, it nearly drove poor punkah-less, perspiring Dicky Hatt mad. He could tell no one about it.

My blemmish Searge Petticoate & my best hatt. My white Fustian Wascote. A black Silk neck cloath. A handkerchiefe. A blew Apron. A plain black Quoife without any lace. A white Holland Appron with a small lace at the bottom. Red Searge petticoat and a blackish Searge petticoat. Greene Searge Wascote & my hood & muffe. My Green Linsey Woolsey petticoate.

Uncle Fenner had indulged himself with a new partner by the middle of January, and must needs give a feast to celebrate the event. And this is Pepys' frank record of the occasion: "By invitation to my uncle Fenner's, where I found his new wife, a pitiful, old, ugly, ill-bred woman, in a hatt, a midwife. In justice to the Three Cranes, Pepys must not be allowed to have the last word.

In the Course of this day's run we saw the Smoke of fire in several places near the Sea beach. About 2 Leagues to the Northward of Cape St. A little way inland to the North-West of this point is a round hill, the top of which look'd like the Crown of a Hatt. Thursday, 26th. Clear, serene weather.

The deep contralto notes brought full meed of meaning, although the words were German; low, deep, uncertain at first the ponderings of love, of devotion, of doubt then swelling loud and full and free at the end; love justified, undying, triumphant, overpowering. "Könnt' fühlen je das Glück das ich würd nennen mein Hätt' ich nur Dich allein! Hätt' ich nur Dich, nur Dich allein!"

"No," said Mary Leonard, "he isn't here this time." The florid old gentleman took a seat in front of them and continued to fan himself. The conductor came through the car. "Warm spell we're having for October, Mr. Hatt," he said, as he punched the commutation-ticket that was offered him. Mary Leonard and Lucy Eastman gazed spellbound at the back of Mr. Hatt's bald head.

And so, knowin that mades like well such things, I bethought me of my emruld ring, and on the night of the ball, I being upstair in to lay off my hatt and cloak, stole privily into Catherin's chamber, she being a-dancin below, and I laid the ring on her dresing table, thinkin that she would see it when she entered, and know it for a love token.

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