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"Silent was now by a small fire, which was sputtering and spitting, the rain coming down in uncomfortable quantities. Hanscom had taken and was now holding the center of their line. He reported: 'Have just finished up Jones and am going into Ewelling; many prisoners and guns. "The enemy made six assaults on Hanscom, which were repulsed.

You slip 'dolsy far nienty' or something about Danty or logarithms somewhere into your play, where it won't delay the action much, and he'll be for you." Canby nodded and laughed eagerly. Tinker seemed to take it for granted that "Roderick Hanscom" was to be produced in spite of "another play I have been considering." "There aren't any critics, I tell you!" Potter stormed. "Mounet-Sully!"

"Geddis was now ordered to move at once and hold this part of the line with his division of Warner's Corps against all force that might come against him. This was the breathless time during the day. Geddis took the position. Hiller moved against him, but Geddis held the point. Hanscom came up, but his corps was far away to his rear.

Potter relieved his anxiety, however, after a thoughtful sigh, by saying abruptly: "Well, well, we can't go into a big production like that, this late in the year. We'll have to see what can be done with 'Roderick Hanscom." He looked at the door, where the Japanese was performing a shrinking curtsey. "What is it, Sato?" "Miss Pata." "Who?" "Miss Pata."

His army was soon organized into three corps, Second, Fifth and Sixth, commanded respectively by Gen. Hanscom, Gen. Sedgewear and Gen. "My son Jackson, having been spoken of very highly to Gen. Silent by Gen. Anderson, had also been ordered to the East and placed in command of a brigade under Gen. Hanscom. "The armies both in the East and the West being reorganized and in good condition, Gen.

"I don't make no better pie-crust'n you do," said Mariana innocently. "Mebbe you don't, but you're on the spot, and there's where you've got the whip-hand. Eben Hanscom ain't goin' to let you go. He's no such fool." "Well," flashed Mariana, "I'd like to see anybody keep me when I've got ready to go." She was on the doorstep now, and the spring wind was bringing her faint, elusive odors.

You could throw out a bay-winder if you wanted, or build a cupelow." "Why," said Mariana, so softly that he bent to hear, "what's set you out to want a housekeeper?" "It ain't a housekeeper," said Jake. "I've had enough o' housekeepin' long as I live, seein' you fetch an' carry for Eb Hanscom. Why, Mariana, I just love you. I want a wife."

Canby, I accepted your play because it has got quite a fair situation in the third act, and because I thought I saw a chance in it to keep some of the strength of 'Roderick Hanscom' and yet make him lovable." "But, great heavens! if you make him lovable the character's ruined. Besides, the audience won't want to see him lose the girl at the end and 'Donald Grey' get her!"

Sedgewear's troops were not all up; Broomfield had not arrived, and Hanscom was not yet on the ground. This was not quite what Gen. Silent had been accustomed to. His commands heretofore were always at the spot on time when ordered, and generally before the time appointed. "He at once mounted his horse and rode in person to the front, in order to get a view of the situation.

He has made two extended visits to London, Berlin and Vienna, for special work under eminent teachers, but has chiefly studied in Maine. Besides his sacred songs Hanscom has published a group of six songs, all written intelligently, and an especially good lyric, "Go, Rose, and in Her Golden Hair," a very richly harmonized "Lullaby," and two "Christmas Songs," with violin obbligato.