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Updated: August 17, 2024

"What's the matter?" began Tom sleepily, and then splash! went his hand into the water. "Gracious, has the river overflowed?" demanded Jack. "No, but it's raining handsaws and marlin spikes," cried Dick. "Wow! my bed's wet through." "Same here," cried Jack ruefully. "I guess we'd better get out of this." Outside they found the professor hopping about barefooted in the water.

He sells other things, handsaws, and pencils, and mouth-harps, and two knives for a quarter, of such pure steel that he whittles shavings off a wire nail with 'em, and is particular to hand you the very identical knife he did it with. He has jewelry, though I don't suppose you could cut a wire nail with it. You might, at that. To him approaches a boy. "Got 'ny collar-buttons?"

We had a little whiskey in the hold, I remember, that trip, with a good stock of knives, red flannel, handsaws, nails, and cotton. We were hoping to be at home again within the year. We were well provisioned, and Dodd, he was the cook, Dodd made about as fair coffee as you're likely to find in the galley of a trader.

"And now you mean to insinuate, I suppose, that his worship's saws are handsaws. You are fined another half-crown, sir, for the handsaw." "And another," said Coke, "for the gum arabic." The doctor fearing that the fines would increase thick and threefold, forthwith paid them all, and retired indignantly from the court.

Each column, assumed to consist of about 2,000 men, was to be preceded and covered by 300 skirmishers; immediately behind the skirmishers were to be seventy pioneers, carrying thirty-five axes, eighteen shovels, ten pickaxes, two handsaws, and two hatchets; next was to come the forlorn hope, or storming party, of 300 men, each carrying a bag stuffed with cotton; following the stormers, thirty-four men were to carry the balks and chesses to form a bridge over the ditch, in order to facilitate the passage of the artillery, as well as of the men.

When the "Great Shippe" was ready to sail, it was necessary to cut a way out for her with handsaws through the thick ice for nearly three miles. A good many people from the town walked out on the harbor ice beside the ship to see her begin her voyage, and to bid good-bye to a number of their friends who were going home to England on business of one kind or another.

For a group of six men the following tools were deemed essential: five broad-hoes, five narrow-hoes, two broadaxes, five felling-axes, four handsaws, a whipsaw with equipment for filing, two hammers, three shovels, two spades, two augers, six chisels, two piercing tools, three gimlets, two hatchets, two frowes, two handbills, a grindstone, nails of all sorts and two pickaxes.

Hugo turned solemnly to the exhaustive index, which alone occupied seventy pages of small type, and, running his finger down a column, he read out, Handbells, handbell-ringers, handbills, hand-embroidered sheets, handkerchiefs, handles, handsaws, hansoms, Hardemann's beetle powder, hares, haricot beans.... 'Lamentable! he ejaculated 'lamentable! You will tell Mr. Mr.

John 60. 0.0 3 Cows 14. 8.0 1 Pair 3 year old steers 9. 0.0 1 Bull 54s., 1 do. 30s. 4. 4.0 6 Sheep @ 18s., 7 Hogs @ 16s. 11. 0.0 1 Burch Canoe 1. 0.0 2 Carpenter's adzes @ 7s., 2 drills @ 6s. 1. 0.0 4 Pairs Snow Shoes @ 7s. 6d. 1.10.0 2 Steel plated handsaws @ 8s. 16.0 1 Set mill irons 7. 0.0 2M Staves shaved and joined 4.16.0 £451. 4.10

There were also gigantic saws and powerful instruments, such as levers, leaden maces, handsaws, enormous axes, etc., without counting a considerable quantity of blasting cylinders, enough to blow up the Liverpool Customs all that was strange, not to say fearful, without mentioning rockets, signals, powder-chests, and beacons of a thousand different sorts.

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