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Honora had told them so, and colour was lent to her assertions by the fact that their mother, when they repeated this to her, only smiled sadly, and brushed her eyes with her handkerchief. She was even more beautiful when she did so, Edith told her, a remark which caused Mrs. Hanbury to scan her younger daughter closely; it smacked of Honora. "Was Cousin Randolph handsome?" Edith demanded. Mrs.

He had only been in France a short time, but his knowledge of restaurants and the world in general had been amazing, and his acquaintances legion. He had a way, which there was no resisting, of taking people by storm. "Yes, dear," answered Mrs. Hanbury, absently, when the child repeated the question, "he was very handsome." "Honora says he would have been President," put in George.

Tom gave up. He continued the game, and played so savagely and so well that poor Madge never got her three. And he did not recur to that subject except to say the last thing at night, as the girls were leaving 'Look here, Madge, that fellow Hanbury had better take care. 'I suppose he can look after himself, said Madge. 'I have nothing to do with him.

"Honora would only have eaten the jam," said Mrs. Hayden. "But I love her." "I, too, am fond of the child, but I tremble for her. I am afraid she has that terrible thing which is called temperament." George Hanbury made a second heroic rush, and dragged Honora out once more. "What is this disease you've got?" he demanded. "Disease?" she cried; "I haven't any disease."

And when Frank King did come back, matters looked very well at first. Madge received him in a very nice, friendly fashion, and was pleased by certain messages from the old folks at Kingscourt. Nan's fears began to fade away. Nothing more was heard of Jack Hanbury. So far as Madge was concerned everything seemed right.

'Madge, put these things out of your head. You won't go to the Kenyons', for Captain King would not like it 'I don't think he'd take the trouble to object, Madge interjected. 'And Mr. Hanbury won't be there; and there will be no dancing, and no quarrel. If you wish to write to Captain King about what will interest him, write about what interests yourself. That he is sure to be interested in

In the summer, that season of desolation for Honora, when George Hanbury and Algernon Cartwright and other young gentlemen were at the seashore learning to sail boats and to play tennis, Peter Erwin came to his own.

This was the very year that John Hanbury, a London merchant, and some Virginia gentlemen, among whom were Lawrence and Augustine Washington, petitioned the Board of Trade for a grant of five hundred thousand acres of land on the upper Ohio.

Of those who were at Hanbury when first I came, none remained; all were married, or gone once more to live at some home which could be called their own, whether the ostensible head were father or brother. I myself was not without some hopes of a similar kind. My brother Harry was now a curate in Westmoreland, and wanted me to go and live with him, as eventually I did for a time.

Hanbury and Matthew, show the inseparable connection between the manner of living and the health, and demonstrate that the severe life of war, with its diminished creation of vital force, by imperfect and uncertain nutrition and excessive expenditure in exposures and labors, necessarily breaks down the constitution.