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They say you have a great sense of humour; that's when you say things they can't understand; and they pretend to have a great sense of humour too. But where's the humour in that? 'But Madge, dear, said Nan, gently, 'I didn't mean to say anything against Mr. Hanbury 'In any case, there is one in this house who does not despise Mr. Hanbury for being poor, said Madge, hotly.

When sir Charles Hanbury Williams, the British ambassador, continued to urge his solicitations very strongly, and even with some hints of menaces, an answer was delivered to him, by order of the empress, purporting, "That her imperial majesty was astonished at his demand, after he had already been made acquainted with the measures she had taken to effect a reconciliation between the courts of Vienna and Berlin.

Hanbury, again, "I realize how you worked to make the child that velvet coat. Do you think you ought to dress her that way?" "I don't see why she shouldn't be as well dressed as the children of my friends, Eleanor." Mrs. Hanbury laid her hand impulsively on Aunt Mary's. "No child I know of dresses half as well," said Mrs. Hanbury. "The trouble you take " "Is rewarded," said Aunt Mary. "Yes," Mrs.

And she knew, by means of a correspondence with Cousin Eleanor Hanbury and other intimates, the kind of cottages in which her friends sojourned at the seashore or in the mountains; how many rooms they had, and how many servants, and very often who the servants were; she was likewise informed on the climate, and the ease with which it was possible to obtain fresh vegetables.

Hanbury Smith, explaining that her darling niece Lucinda was about to be married to Sir Griffin Tewett, and that, as she had no child of her own, Lucinda was the same to her as a daughter.

I believe you'd roast any fellow alive, and then cut him into bits for fourpence-half-penny. It isn't more than three months since you were crying your eyes out about that fellow Hanbury 'You were as anxious as any one he should be sent away, retorted Madge. 'It appears I can't please every one. Perhaps, on the whole, it would be as well to continue the game, for I only want three to be out.

Hanbury was likewise a direct person. "I will, take it back on one condition, Mary. If you will tell me that Tom has finished paying Randolph's debts." Mrs. Leffingwell was silent. "I thought not," said Mrs. Hanbury. "Now Randolph was my own cousin, and I insist."

She was buried by her own desire at Hanbury, in Staffordshire. When the Danes reached Derbyshire in their incursions, this was deemed no longer a safe place, and her body was removed to Chester, where the cathedral was afterwards placed under the joint invocation of S. Werburga and S. Oswald.

George Hanbury was Honora's cousin, and she did not deem his admiration a subject fit for discussion with Bridget. "Sure," declared Mary Ann, "it's the air of a princess the child has." That she should be thought a princess did not appear at all remarkable to Honora at twelve years of age. Perdita may have had such dreams.

The late Mr. Hanbury, during his too brief career as President of the Board of Agriculture, frequently dwelt upon the importance of organising similar associations in England as a necessary step in the development of the new agricultural policy which he foreshadowed.