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Hamilton-Wells observed in his precisest way, "and she does not profess to find him interesting. But what she says is that she must talk, and he does for a target to talk at." Lady Adeline looked anxiously at the door while her husband was speaking. She was in terror lest Mr. Kilroy should come in and hear him, for Mr.

We hurried back because Mr. Hamilton-Wells became homesick suddenly while we were abroad, and I don't think it will be possible to get him to move again for some time. But won't you come to us? Do, dear, and bring your just-come-out, and, I am sure, most charming, Evadne for our autumn gayeties. If Mr.

Galbraith, and Lady Adeline Hamilton-Wells, who never failed to bring him back any good specimen they might find in the course of their travels.

Then I'd give Angelica the Hamilton House property, and it would be very jolly for all of us. 'But, look here, Angelica broke in, in her energetic way, 'if you're going to be a duke I won't be left plain Miss Hamilton-Wells. 'You couldn't be "plain" Miss anything, Diavolo gallantly assured her, bowing in the most courtly way.

"Nowadays, when I see two ladies together in a corner, talking earnestly," he observed, "I always suspect that they are discussing the sex question." "Oh, the sex question!" Ideala exclaimed. "I am sick of sex! Sex is a thing to be endured or enjoyed, not to be discussed." "Indeed!" said Mr. Hamilton-Wells, nodding slowly, as if in profound consideration, and shaking back his imaginary ruffles.

Diavolo showed not the slightest sign of having heard, but he got out his books at once, and did his lessons as if he liked them. Mr. Hamilton-Wells had a habit of always saying a little more than was necessary on some subjects.

Hamilton-Wells would have been called acute, and dreaded for his cynicism. But looking as he did, inoffensive as a lady's luggage, he was allowed to pass unsuspected; and if his mind were an infernal machine, concealed by a quilted cover, the world would have to have seen it to credit the fact.

So I'm going to be your pupil, and he's going to be Miss Apsley's. You don't understand twins, I expect. It's always awkward about them; there's so often something wrong. With us, you know, the fact of the matter is that I am Diavolo and he is me." The tutor and governess appealed to Mr. Hamilton-Wells, and Mr.

"Well, that was what her mother said," Lord Dawne replied; "and both her parents seem to think the matter was not nearly so bad as it might have been in consequence. Mr. Hamilton-Wells had to pay a fine for the furious driving, and use all his influence with the Press to keep the thing out of the papers." "But where did the children get the hansom?" Mrs. Beale begged to be informed.

"I suppose you are a strong supporter of the aesthetic dress movement," he said, doubtless alluding to the graceful freedom of her delicate primrose draperies. "Not at all," she answered, seating herself on the arm of a chair near Lady Adeline, and opening her fan gently as she spoke. I was inspired to ask for more tea just then. Mr. Hamilton-Wells poured it out and handed it to me.