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Updated: August 23, 2024

He had not meant to provoke a quarrel with Storm, but had simply wished to soften the blow for Hök Matts, who was an inoffensive man. Just the same, he could not help feeling chagrined over the reply he had got; but before he could think of a retort, one of the men who had come in with Hök Matts spoke up: "Twice I have heard Hök Matts preach, and must say that he is wonderful.

I heard the names of Hok and Togo in particular; they seemed inclined for mischief. All of a sudden they darted back on their companions under the traces, and got the whole team in a tangle; but they were not able to do very much, as the whip, which was wielded with great dexterity, constantly sang about their ears.

That morning all work had been suspended, and every one was either standing at the roadside in their Sunday clothes or driving to see the travellers off; some went with them six miles, some twelve, a few accompanied them all the way to the railway station. Throughout the entire length and breadth of the parish only one man was seen at work. That man was Hök Matts Ericsson.

Hok Lee had already amassed a good store of money as his share of the proceeds of these robberies when it happened one morning on going to market that a neighbour said to him: 'Why, Hok Lee, what is the matter with your face? One side of it is all swelled up. True enough, Hok Lee's right cheek was twice the size of his left, and it soon began to feel very uncomfortable.

First, however, thou must dance before us. Should thy dancing please us, perhaps we may be able to do something; but shouldst thou dance badly, we shall assuredly punish thee, so now take warning and dance away. With that, he and all the other dwarfs sat down in a large ring, leaving Hok Lee to dance alone in the middle.

And bymeby they got closer and closer, and then they went arm-in-crook, like courting complete hok-hok! like courting complete hok! courting complete " Losing the thread of his narrative at this point simultaneously with his loss of breath, their informant looked up and down the field apparently for some clue to it. "Well, I see our mis'ess and a soldier a-ha-a-wk!" "Damn the boy!" said Gabriel.

He felt half frightened to death, and besides was a good deal shaken by his fall from the tree and did not feel at all inclined to dance. But the dwarfs were not to be trifled with. 'Begin! cried their leader, and 'Begin! shouted the rest in chorus. So in despair Hok Lee began.

I believe that every one present would be helped by hearing him." The schoolmaster answered pleasantly enough, but in the old admonishing tone of the classroom: "Surely you understand, Krister Larsson, that I can't allow this. Were I to let Hök Matts preach to-day, then you, Krister, would want to preach next Sunday, and Ljung Björn the Sunday after!"

And being now so many, they desired to have dogs. So a man went out with a dog leash in his hand, and began to stamp on the ground, crying "Hok hok hok!" Then the dogs came hurrying out from the hummocks, and shook themselves violently, for their coats were full of sand. Thus men found dogs. But then children began to be born, and men grew to be very many on the earth.

Storm had no sooner said "Amen" than a voice, coming from some one in the group down by the door, piped up: "I should very much like to say a few words." "That must be Hök Matts Ericsson," thought the pastor, and others with him. For no one else in the parish had such a sweet and childlike treble.

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