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As she spoke, the sounds of her voice and step had been advancing, with cautious intermittent approach. "I hae ye noo," she said, as she seated herself at length beside the other. "The gowk, Geordie Bray!" she went on, " to tak it intill's oogly heid 'at the cratur wad be hurklin' here!

Gien ye wad lat a body speyk 'at kens naething,'cep' 'at oot o' the moo' o' babes an' sucklin's an'troth I'm naither babe nor sucklin' this mony a lang, but I'm a muckle eneuch gowk to be ane o' the Lord's innocents, an' hae him perfec' praise oot o' the moo' o' me! She paused a moment, feeling it was time the laird should say something-which immediately he did.

I looked at the Bailie, who acknowledged, in a whisper, "that the gowk had some reason for singing, ance in the year." Meantime a staring half-clad wench or two came out of the inn and the neighbouring cottages, on hearing the sound of our horses' feet.

"But Mistress Courthope was doon last nicht, an' wantit the best I cud heuk." "Mistress Courthope! Wha cares for her? A mim, cantin' auld body! Gie me the trootie, Ma'colm. Ye're a bonny laad, an 'it s' be the better for ye." "Deed I cudna du 't, Mistress Catanach though I'm sorry to disobleege ye. It's bespoken, ye see. "Gae 'wa' wi' yer haddies, an' yer goukmeys! Ye sanna gowk me wi' them."

Pacific? What do ye ken about Pacifics? Are ye a Cockney or a Cannibal Islander? Dinna stand there, ye gowk, as fusionless as a docken, but tell me that! Whaur do ye live?" "What do you mean, Mr. Mackaye?" asked I, with a doleful and disappointed visage.

Austell, an' while we're there you shall do up Geake's notes in an envelope with a note sayin' your compliments, but on second thoughts you couldn't think o' takin' his money." Bricknell's face fell somewhat. "You gowk! You'll have twenty-five pound' o' mine in exchange: solid money, an' my own earnin's. I've more 'n that in my pocket here." "But I don't see why you should want to give me money."

M'Adam watched the passing figure indifferently; then with an angry oath sprang to the window. "Bring me back that coat, ye thief!" he cried, tapping fiercely on the pane. "Tak' it aff at onst, ye muckle gowk, or I'll come and tear it aff ye. D'ye see him, Wullie? the great coof has ma coat me black coat, new last Michaelmas, and it rainin' 'nough to melt it."