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The celestial secretary, with goose-wings on his shoulders, goose-quills in each hand, looking very much like a goose mounted on a mule, gaily caparisoned in colours quadripartite, and covered with jingling brass bells. Five thousand old women, singing the praises of the said secretary and taking snuff to the flourish of hautboys.

Then, when the work was finished, the girls went up the narrow stairs to the attic, a long unfinished room running the whole length of the house with windows at each end. Under one of these windows stood a broad low table. Rose had brought up the blank book, a number of pens, made from goose-quills, and a bottle of ink. She put them on the table and drew up a high-backed wooden chair for Anne.

They sealed up neither his room nor his effects, because, in the first place, there were no heirs, and, in the second, there was very little to inherit beyond a bundle of goose-quills, a quire of white official paper, three pairs of socks, two or three buttons which had burst off his trousers, and the mantle already known to the reader. To whom all this fell, God knows.

For writing we used exclusively goose-quills, for though steel pens were invented soon after I was born, they were probably very imperfect; and, moreover, had to combat a violent prejudice, for at the first school we attended we were strictly forbidden to use them.

"Your principal, by the laws of honour, has the choice; as, also, to name time and place, &c." "Yes, I understand. All is settled." "He will fight, then?" "Fight? Oh, certainly; Blake is no coward." "Well, then, name the weapons." "A pair of goose-quills." "Sir!" in profound astonishment. "The weapons are to be a pair of good Russia quills, opaque, manufactured into pens of approved quality.

The sun, like a little man in a crowd at a puppet-show, scampered about the heavens, popping his head here and there, and endeavoring to get a peep between the unmannerly clouds that obtruded themselves in his way. The historians filled their inkhorns; the poets went without their dinners, either that they might buy paper and goose-quills, or because they could not get anything to eat.

This, which is related on the authority of Portuguese who were then in the country, I can easily believe to be true, for the stalks of the grass are generally as thick as goose-quills, and no flight could be made through the mass of grass in any direction where a footpath does not exist.

And he began lightly, recklessly: "A bookbinder has opened a shop on Cross Street a capital hand at the business, by the name of Leischman and he will bind books at the regular market prices in exchange for linen rags, maple sugar, and goose-quills.

The beauties of our blonde Misses have made whole bundles of goose-quills tremble. Paris society is made up not even chiefly of Parisians; the rich of all nations flock to us, and are content to pay a few hundred pounds per month for a floor of glass and gilding. The Emperor has made a show capital as a speculation. All Europe contributes to the grandeur of the fashionable world of Paris.

His sternness was all gone, or very nearly: he babbled freely and drunkenly walking up and down the chamber, like a restless beast. He told me point after point that he need not even their very code how "swan-quills" and "goose-quills" and "crow-quills" stood for blunderbusses and muskets and pistols; and "sand and ink" for powder and balls.