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There are some cousins in Scotland, but she has never seen them, and never will." "Where are the members of her husband's family?" A visible shudder crept over that portion of the woman's body which was not paralyzed, and her face grew dark and stern. "He was an orphan." "His loss seems to have had a terrible effect upon Mrs. Gerome, and rendered her bitter and hopeless."

But for these we must literally have starved en route. "Good-bye. Good luck to you!" from the colonel. "En avant!" cries Gerôme, with a deafening crack of his heavy chapar whip. We are both provided with this instrument of torture a thick plaited thong about five feet long, attached to a short thick wooden handle, and terminating in a flat leathern cracker of eight or ten inches.

Soon after, a servant brought in a basin of water and towels, which she placed on the table, and then, without question or comment, withdrew. Some time elapsed before Mrs. Gerome re-entered the parlor, bearing a glass of wine in her hand.

Paul, 'Use this world as not abusing it. Mrs. Gerome, do not obstinately mar the present and future, by brooding bitterly over the trials of the past; but try to believe that, indeed, ... 'Sorrows humanize our race; Tears are the showers that fertilize this world. And memory of things precious keepeth warm The heart that once did hold them."

Grey escorted the party to their carriages, and as he handed Mrs. Spiewell in, she said, in her sharp nasal tones, "I heard that Mrs. Gerome was devotedly attached to the poor old creature who had nursed her, but she certainly seems to me very indifferent and heartless."

On the floor lay a dainty handkerchief, and stooping to pick it up, he inhaled the delicate, tenacious perfume of tube-rose, which, blended with orange-flowers, he had frequently discovered when standing near her. Placing it within reach of her fingers, he said, very gently and more tenderly than he was aware of, "Mrs. Gerome, " "Hush! I know what you have come to tell me.

He is a native of Colmar, in Alsace, and comes of a good stock; a pupil of the Lycee Louis-le-Grand, and of Ary Scheffer, he studied first painting then sculpture, and after a journey in the East with Gerome, established his atelier in Paris. He served in the irregular corps of Garibaldi during the war of 1870, and the following year visited the United States.

After putting his treasure away for years, at the first glance all his satiety returns. I myself have diagnosed a case where a fine drawing by Gerôme grew to be a veritable incubus. It is understood that the market for pictures is falling yearly. I believe that the growth of this dislike to the eternal stillness of a painted scene is a chief cause of the disaster.

The works of Dubray, Triquetti, Yvon, Giraud, Gerome, Dubufe, Toulmouche, Courbet, Troyon, Rosa Bonheur and others exhibited the route toward the naturalistic taken by her modern school, so different from that pursued by the Pre-Raphaelites in England.

Gerôme and the Persian, however, did not leave a drop, and before they had finished the second bottle were sworn friends. Although wine is forbidden by the Mohammedan faith, it is largely indulged in, in secret, by Persians of the upper class. I never met, however, a follower of the Prophet so open about it as our friend at Khurood.