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Whatever Berlin or Munich, to speak of them only, could do or fail to do for him, how can one not rejoice without reserve in the way he felt what he did feel as poetic reaction of the liveliest and finest, with the added interest of its often turning at one and the same time to the fullest sincerity and to a perversity of the most "evolved"? since I can not dispense with that sign of truth.

Then from the lowest, weakest tone of suffering, up to the loftiest pitch, the divinest acme of pain, there is not one pang to which the sensorium of the universe does not respond; never an untuneful vibration of nerve or spirit but thrills beyond the brain or the heart of the sufferer to the brain, the heart of the universe; and God, in the simplest, most literal, fullest sense, and not by sympathy alone, suffers with his creatures."

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Nature had as yet not established her fullest relationship to himself, and he knew not that her secret glory of meaning was like his own. Farther on, behind a row of feathery elm-trees, stood the old Upham homestead. John Upham did not live there now; his mortgage had been foreclosed nearly a year before, about the time the last baby was born.

Miss Somerville and her comrade knew the type in its fullest development, for both grew up in far-out Atlantic-bordering regions Carbery of West Cork, Connemara of West Galway where the countryside knew scarcely "any inhabitants but the gentry and their dependents.

She forgot her little home griefs to wonder why a brown-purple shadow always streaked one particular part in the fullest sunlight; why the cloud-shadows always seemed to be wafted with a sidelong motion; or she would imagine what lay beyond those old gray holy hills, which seemed to bear up the white clouds of Heaven on which the angels flew abroad.

The Union took up the question at once and met the fullest cooperation in the Chamber of Deputies. The debate opened in May, 1919, and continued through three sessions. It commenced with the bill for the Municipal franchise but at the beginning of the third session this passed to an amendment, conferring the same complete universal suffrage possessed by men.

I was shivering with apprehension. He began by admitting the grave responsibility resting on Lord Queensberry, who accepted it to the fullest. Lord Queensberry was justified in doing all he could do to cut short an acquaintance which must be disastrous to his son. Mr. Carson wished to draw the attention of the jury to the fact that all these men with whom Mr.

Marquis, as the summer goes on, you know that the ripest and reddest cherries are the fullest flavored, just so, in the noblest and wealthiest of families in Paris there is not one that has not some terrible and ghostly secret which is sedulously concealed. Now, suppose that one man should gain possession of all of them, would he not be sole and absolute master?

A gentleman he always looked that in the fullest sense of the word.