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The next moment her delight was great at the flower-stands, which Mr. Froggatt had kindly left full of primulas, squills, and crocuses; and when she looked out from the back room into the little garden, where Mr. Froggatt's horticultural tastes had long found their sole occupation, and saw turf, green laurels, and bunches of snowdrops and crocuses, she forgot all Stella's launch!

'I wanted very much to go into the barrack ourselves, but Alda said it would kill her, and you know it has always been a sore subject that we would not let her have Mr. Froggatt's room. I ought not to have given way.

It happened to be one of Wilmet's favourite economical stews; but these were always popular in the family, though chiefly composed of scraps, pot-liquor, rice, and vegetables, and both for its excellence and prudence it commanded Mr. Froggatt's unqualified approbation.

There was no need to send Felix to his father, for he came in of his own accord, radiant, with a paper containing a report of a public meeting on Church matters that his father had been wishing to see. 'Thanks, my boy, said Mr. Underwood; 'where does this come from? 'From Froggatt's father. It was only fourpence.

And when this was over, every one as usual went to the rendezvous at 'Froggatt's, either to discuss or inquire; and the release of both partners on that summer evening was later than ever it had been before. But then what a welcome upstairs! what a clamour of happy tongues! what an ecstatic humming of 'The Hardy Norseman! what a clinging to and climbing on him!

'Do you know, Lance, I am very much struck with your brother's ay, and old Froggatt's conduct in this matter. Lance flushed with pleasure. 'Go ahead, Jack! 'Of course, for a paper to keep its politics is nothing; but to take up the cause of an unpopular man, whose slights have been marked 'Who has been a malicious little cad, chimed in the chorister.

Froggatt's; but these did not allow much scope for the dreams of her fancy.

Froggatt's room, and after the general goodnight, he drew his chair in to the fire, and prepared for a talk with his ex- ward. 'You look anxious, Felix. Have things gone on pretty well?

Froggatt's little conservatory with him, and had received into their charge a basket of camellias, violets, and calycanthus, with a pot of jonquils in the middle for Geraldine, the old gentleman said, as he bade them good-bye, 'Tell your sister, that if she thinks a day or two of laying by would be good for your brother, I should be ready and glad to change places with him.

He wrote to the curate, offering all the amends in his power, and undertaking that if Mr. Smith would send him an explanatory letter, he would back it up with a strong leading article; and he waited anxiously for further intelligence. Mr. Froggatt's letter came first.