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Bowls of roses stood about; while here and there pots of growing freesias poured their delicate fragrance around. Myra crossed to the hearthrug and stood gazing up at the picture of Lord Ingleby. The gentle refinement of the scholarly face seemed accentuated by the dim light.

She couldn't have believed it of this one, with her decent hair and gentle voice, that she too should be impertinent. That first week the wistaria began to fade, and the flowers of the Judas-tree and peach-trees fell off and carpeted the ground with rose-colour. Then all the freesias disappeared, and the irises grew scarce.

A knot of white and golden freesias, exhaling a clean, delicate perfume, was fastened at her breast; her wonderful red-brown hair was shaded by a broad-brimmed brown felt hat of Vandyke shape, with creamy drooping plumes. The rare promise of her beauty had fulfilled itself in the last six months. She was bewilderingly lovely.

To one man forever afterwards the scent of freesias recalled that afternoon; the exquisite sweetness of that lovely face; the trailing softness of her widow's gown. Steps in the hall. The door opened. Groatley's voice, pompously sonorous, broke into the waiting silence. "The Earl of Airth, m'lady"; and Jim Airth walked in. As the door closed behind him, Myra rose.

But the calm steadfast look in those sweet eyes revealed a mind free of all doubt; a heart, completely at rest. She leaned back among the sofa cushions, her hands folded in her lap, and waited. Bees hummed in and out of the open windows. The scent of freesias filled the room, delicate, piercingly sweet, yet not oppressive.

There was a bowl of freesias and scarlet anemones on the table. She bent to them. Still touching them with her finger-tips, she looked up at him, saying: "Aren't they beautiful?" "Yes," he said. "What will you drink coffee?" "I should like it," she said. "Then excuse me a moment." He went out to the kitchen. Miriam took off her things and looked round. It was a bare, severe room.

"Bridget will take Baby. Hurry up, Mollie." They reached the foot of the garden just in time to see Papa's tall hat disappear round the corner of the road. It was a lovely evening, and the girls lingered by the gate; the scent of violets and freesias rose from the flowerbed at their feet, and every now and again came a whiff of something else something exquisitely fragrant and delicate.

Imagine it having freesias to pick in armsful if you wanted to, and with glorious sunshine flooding the room, and in your summer frock, and its being only the first of April! "I suppose you realize, don't you, that we've got to heaven?" she said, beaming at Mrs. Fisher with all the familiarity of a fellow-angel. "They are considerably younger than I had supposed," thought Mrs.

Those had been choice bulbs, some of which he had presented me from his own cherished store freesias, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, and the starred narcissus, "such as Proserpine let fall, from Dis's wagon." "Oh, our flowers!" wailed Alicia, springing to her feet; "and we counting on those bulbs for Christmas!" I shut Freeman's diary with a snap. Hens were more immediate.

Fisher, and the sun, pouring through the two windows facing east across the bay, flooded the room, and there was an open door leading into the garden, and the garden was full of many lovely things, especially freesias. The delicate and delicious fragrance of the freesias came in through the door and floated round Mrs. Wilkins's enraptured nostrils. Freesias in London were quite beyond her.