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"Why, that fat man, dressed like a waiter in a cafe, frizzled like a barber's apprentice, there, he's trying now to make himself agreeable to Madame de Fischtaminel." "Hush," whispers the lady quite alarmed, "it's the husband of the little woman next to me!" "Ah, it's your husband?" says Monsieur Foullepointe. "I am delighted, madame, he's a charming man, so vivacious, gay and witty.

Madame Foullepointe, the lioness but this word requires an explanation. It is a fashionable neologism, and gives expression to certain rather meagre ideas relative to our present society: you must use it, if you want to describe a woman who is all the rage. This lioness rides on horseback every day, and Caroline has taken it into her head to learn to ride also.

Madame Foullepointe, the lioness but this word requires an explanation. It is a fashionable neologism, and gives expression to certain rather meagre ideas relative to our present society: you must use it, if you want to describe a woman who is all the rage. This lioness rides on horseback every day, and Caroline has taken it into her head to learn to ride also.

"Well, if I were to meet you at an opera ball, and if you weren't my wife, I declare, I shouldn't know which " "You are real sweet to-day. Don't forget to invite them to dinner Saturday." "I'll do it to-night. Foullepointe and I often meet on 'Change." "Now," says Caroline, "this young woman will doubtless tell me what her method of action is." Caroline resumes her post of observation.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE. A child belonging to the genus Terrible, exclaims in the presence of everybody: "Mamma, would you let Justine hit me?" "Certainly not." "Why do you ask, my little man?" inquires Madame Foullepointe. "Because she just gave father a big slap, and he's ever so much stronger than me."

"Pray tell me, madame," says Monsieur Foullepointe, "who is that queer man who has been talking about the Court of Assizes before a gentleman whose acquittal lately created such a sensation: he is all the while blundering, like an ox in a bog, against everybody's sore spot. A lady burst into tears at hearing him tell of the death of a child, as she lost her own two months ago." "Who do you mean?"

His head is like Lord Byron's, and he's a real Don Juan, only faithful: he's discovered the secret of making love eternal: I shall perhaps obtain a second crop of it from her example. Adolphe, when he sees them, will blush at his conduct, and " The servant announces: "Monsieur and Madame Foullepointe."

Madame Foullepointe laughs, and Adolphe, who intended to pay court to her, is cruelly joked by her, after having had a first last quarrel with Caroline. In every household, husbands and wives must one day hear the striking of a fatal hour. It is a knell, the death and end of jealousy, a great, noble and charming passion, the only true symptom of love, if it is not even its double.

"Well, then, be good enough to present Monsieur and Madame Foullepointe to me. I should be delighted to learn how she manages to make her husband love her so much: have they been married long?" "Five years, just like us." "O Adolphe, dear, I am dying to know her: make us intimately acquainted. Am I as pretty as she?"

"Well, then, be good enough to present Monsieur and Madame Foullepointe to me. I should be delighted to learn how she manages to make her husband love her so much: have they been married long?" "Five years, just like us." "O Adolphe, dear, I am dying to know her: make us intimately acquainted. Am I as pretty as she?"