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They stood waiting, silent and expectant. The walls shook with a muffled crash. "Repairs, five dollars," said Griffith. "Better stand farther over this way." The bathroom door slammed open violently. The two men glanced into each other's eyes. "You've played football?" croaked the engineer. Lord James nodded. "Tackle him low fouler the better," advised Griffith.

The poisoned air was being drawn swiftly into the old mine, making a whistling noise as it crossed the sharp edges of the aperture. Ralph knew that very soon the strong current would bring in smoke and fouler air, and he rose to make still another effort. He went down and brought up the pick. It was worn and light and he could handle it more easily.

On the other hand he does not belong to the order of the Shakespeares, Goethes, and Scotts, to whom human virtue and dignity always remain in the end the supreme forces of human life. Thackeray, with a fine and sympathetic soul, had a creative imagination that was far stronger on the darker and fouler sides of life than it was on the brighter and pure side of life.

Some few men may understand the merits of the horse; many more, and most of the ladies, simply like the meeting in numbers; but there is no higher faculty called out, and in many cases the whole attraction is the gambling, and the fouler wickedness in the background." "Which would be ten thousand times worse if all gentlemen stood aloof."

To impose odious names and characters on any person, which he deserveth not, or without ground of truth, is to play the devil; and hell itself scarce will own a fouler practice. We should not cast reproach upon any man without some necessary reason.

"I know naught of the meaning of your talk," he said presently in a quieter voice, "or of how my late friend and neighbour, Sir John may God rest his soul came to his end. Yet it is of him, or rather of his, that we must speak. It seems that you have stolen his daughter, a woman under age, and by pretence of a false marriage, as I fear, brought her to shame a crime even fouler than this murder."

I studied there for a couple of years, and I know why some of the women have a choice between the river and even fouler waters. But let me tell you what I think of this matter. The desperate effort you made to save yourself may not have been very good judgment. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred such an endeavor would be worse than jumping from the frying-pan into the fire.

There was an earthy smell, as of some dry miasma, which came through the fouler air. But as to the odour itself, how shall I describe it? It was not alone that it was composed of all the ills of mortality and with the pungent, acrid smell of blood, but it seemed as though corruption had become itself corrupt. Faugh! It sickens me to think of it.

In the name of all the gods at once, which is the fouler crime, the greater "social evil": For a woman to deliberately barter her person for gold and lands, for gew- gaws, social position and a preferred pew in a fashionable church even though the sale be in accordance with law, have the benediction of a stupid priest and the sanction of a corrupt and canting world or, in defiance of custom and forgetful of cold precept, to cast the priceless jewel of a woman's honor upon the altar of illicit love?

Apleon ordered an enormous body of troops to go in pursuit, and to slay or capture the fugitives capture, by preference, that they might be publicly tortured and beheaded. Mad with the lust for blood, and that fouler lust of Religious revenge, the pursuing host sped southwards.