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We may, therefore, dispense with the tedious and unsatisfactory explanations which, if we may trust Ovid, the wily Janus himself fobbed off an anxious Roman enquirer.

'YOURS received, and am surprized you should use me in this manner, as have never seen any of your cash, unless for one linsey-woolsey coat, and your bill now is upwards of L150. Consider, sir, how often you have fobbed me off with your being shortly to be married to this lady and t'other lady; but I can neither live on hopes or promises, nor will my woollen-draper take any such in payment.

And now, after all this, to be fobbed off with a bow by "Gentleman George," the "fat friend" of poor Brummell, was indeed a little too bad. Nothing he can say or do, however, will undeceive these people.

They really cheapen the midday meal to many who would otherwise make it at hotels and restaurants, and, so far as they contribute to the spread of the afternoon-tea habit, they actually lessen the cost of living: many guests can now be fobbed off with tea who must once have been asked to lunch." "But," we suggested, "isn't that cheapness at the cost of shabbiness, which no one can really afford?"

But Seti was not to be fobbed off. "It is written that the Lord, the Great One, is compassionate and merciful. Wilt thou then, O saadat." Fielding interrupted: "Go, harry the onion-field for dinner. You're a dog of a slave, and a murderer too: you must pay the price of that grindstone!"

Marcel added, while Bourke gasped for breath, that the gentleman in question had spoken to him alone, in the absence of other waiters, and had been fobbed off with a lie. But why Bourke wanted to know had Marcel lied to save him, when the truth would have earned him a hundred francs? "Because," Marcel explained coolly, "I, too, am a thief.

It appears to me singular, therefore, that although I have been these four days in his neighbourhood no invitation has reached me to visit his house and have audience with him: and it argues small courtesy that on coming here to-day in full expectation of seeing him, I should be fobbed off with a deputy." "Though but a deputy," I protested, "I have my Master's entire confidence."

"I wanna know where you picked up all that classy footwork." "Oh," returned P.S., depreciatory, "I used to spar a bit with the fellows when I was a ah when I was younger." "When you was at what?" insisted Bross, declining to be fobbed off with any such flimsy evasion. "When I was at liberty to." "Huh! You mean, when you was at college." "Please yourself," said P. Sybarite wearily.

It is not enough to secure a lodging in the attic; you must not be fobbed off with a front attic that faces the street.

It is not enough to secure a lodging in the attic; you must not be fobbed off with a front attic that faces the street.