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I see you can say nothing in the first place, you are faint still, and have enough to do to draw your breath; in the second place, you cannot yet accustom yourself to accuse and revile me, and besides, the flood-gates of tears are opened, and they would rush out if you spoke much; and you have no desire to expostulate, to upbraid, to make a scene: you are thinking how to act talking you consider is of no use.

The flood-gates of vengeance now opened the hand of man cannot close." The great court of the harem, deserted by the troops, had become filled with volumes of dense smoke, showing that fire had broken out somewhere within the palace, and ever and anon explosions of a more or less violent character told us that the hands of the destroyers were actually at work.

In the brightest days of prosperity in the midst of health and wealth how sentient is the poor human creature of thy neighbourhood! how instinctively aware that the flood-gates of horror may be cast open, and the dark stream engulf him for ever and ever! Then is it not lawful for man to exclaim, "Better that I had never been born!"

There was a moment's hush, and then the flood-gates opened. "I can tell you nothing, Aunt Juley. I know no more than you do. We met we only met the father and mother abroad last spring. I know so little that I didn't even know their son's name. It's all so " She waved her hand and laughed a little. "In that case it is far too sudden." "Who knows, Aunt Juley, who knows?"

Disappointment was with her no meek, mute affair, but a savage fiend that browbeat and anathematized fate, accusing her of rendering existence a mere Nitocris banquet, where, while every sense is sharpened and pampered, and fruition almost touches the outstretched hands of eager trust, the flood-gates of the mighty Nile of despair are lifted, and its chill, dusky waves make irremediable wreck of all.

The great trees bent to and fro like reeds before the wind; the lightning flashed, and the terrific crash of roaring thunder mingled with the torrent of rain that beat furiously against the casement. It seemed as if the very flood-gates of heaven were flung open wide on this memorable night of the master's return. "It is a fearful night.

Well, you see when I'm like his, the flood-gates of memory are opened which sounds pretty enough, but the prettiness is strictly limited to the sound for most of us, at least as far as my experience goes.

Miss Moppet opened her eyes to their widest; then slowly and deliberately she grasped the situation in "high Roman fashion." "Betty Wolcott, do I live to see you weep over a scarlet coat!" No answer; indeed, Betty scarcely heard the words. The flood-gates were let loose and the agony of days and months must have its way. "Betty!" this time the voice of reproving patriotism quavered somewhat.

Still she had made no show of her sorrow; but once, when Pigott told her some pathetic story of the death of a little child in the village, she burst into a paroxysm of weeping. The pity for another's pain had loosed the flood-gates of her own, but it was a performance that she did not repeat.

Mute and astonished the world saw her baseness wondering at her greatness and her sin. Envy and ill-will inspired her to cast the lives of millions into the scales, to open the flood-gates of blood, to spread pain and unspeakable misery herself coldly smiling. "What are men's lives to England? She pays for them.