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I shall not force you to be treated by him," added Christy, "But I must suggest that this farce has been carried far enough in my cabin." "Farce! Do you cod this a farce?" demanded the wounded man indignantly. "You have shot off by dose!" In fact, Captain Flanger seemed to be more disturbed at the accident to his proboscis, than by the failure of his quixotic scheme to capture the Bronx.

In other words, I propose that you shall issue certain orders which I intend to dictate," Captain Flanger proceeded, as coolly as though he had been in his own cabin instead of that of his companion. "You mean to dictate your orders to me," repeated the commander.

But don't call me 'mister, or you will make me forget that I am a nigger," said the skipper, laughing in his delight to find that he was in good and safe hands. "Captain Flanger called me Mike always, and that is a good enough name for me." "Very well, Mike; you are a free man on board of this ship." "I ought to be, for I am a whiter man than Captain Flanger."

"But my father would not allow Captain Flanger to do you any harm; for he was bent upon hanging you as soon as he got out of sight of land, and he sent me with you to see my mother in order to prevent him from carrying out his threat." "You would have been a powerful preventive in the face of such a brutal ruffian as Captain Flanger," said Christy with a sneer.

Flanger had escaped, after he had been put on board of the flag-ship, with the assistance of Galvinne; and he appeared not to have taken the trouble to render the same service to his confederate.

"Captain Flanger, I have concluded to make a prize of the Snapper; but I am willing to hear anything you may wish to offer," Captain Chantor began. "I protest; you have no more right to make a prize of my vessel than you have to capture a British man-of-war, if you were able to do such a thing," replied the commander of the Snapper. "Do you claim that the Snapper is a British vessel?"

Sleepy Cat reported eighteen inches of fresh snow, and a second delayed despatch under the same date-line reported that a bucking special from Medicine Bend, composed of a rotary, a flanger, and five locomotives had passed that point at 9 A.M. for the eighth district. Gertrude found no interest in the news or the discussion.

Captain Flanger had returned to the spot from the boat, and had listened to the last part of the discussion. "Captain Flanger understands enough of international law to see that I am right," continued Christy, when Percy made no reply. "The people here treat us very handsomely, my little larky," said Captain Flanger, with a coarse laugh.

Christy could not help seeing that a great change had come over the manner of Captain Flanger, especially in his repeated declarations that he did not intend to kill his prisoner. His thirst for revenge could hardly have abated as the effect of his cups passed off, and it was evident to the victim of the outrage that some other influence had been brought to bear upon him.

"Lieutenant Passford, a naval officer in excellent repute, is all ready to make oath to your assertions." Captain Flanger and Percy Pierson gazed in silence at the witness, for they supposed he was on the ledge to which he had been transported by the boat. Christy repeated what he had said before, and stated in what manner he had been made a prisoner on board of the Snapper.