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In England, where several kinds of marl are found in quantities, its use was probably never discontinued after the Roman times. Walter of Henley discusses its use in the thirteenth century, and Sir Anthony Fitzherbert continues the discussion in the sixteenth century.

There was, therefore, no kind of reason why Mr. Bassett or Mr. John FitzHerbert should remain any longer in Derby. Mr. John had been there, but had gone again, under advice from the lawyers; but he was in constant communication with Mr. Biddell, who had all the papers ready and the names of the witnesses, and had made more than one application already for the trial to come on.

His opportune request was granted very readily, and his place was given to Fitzherbert, who brought personal letters to Franklin, but who was not accredited to treat with the States. It seemed that this business was now again to fall into the hands of Oswald, and accordingly, though he still remained without any definite authority, active discussion was resumed between him and Franklin.

While in search of some suitable spot he chanced to visit the "pretty fishing-village" of Brighton to see his uncle, the Duke of Cumberland. Doubtless he found it an attractive place, yet this may have been not so much because of its view of the sea as for the reason that Mrs. Fitzherbert had previously lived there.

Pitt was called upon and refused to consent to a Parliamentary appeal to the King for the payment of the Prince's debts. Pitt could feel no courtier's sympathy for the unnatural son, for the faithless Florizel of foolish Perdita Robinson, for the perjured husband of Mrs. Fitzherbert.

A strong blanket was ready, and Captains Carvil, Fitzherbert, Hanmer, and Rodney, led by Captain Ouseley and assisted by as many others as could find room, seizing the sides, in a very few moments Mr. Mayor was revolving and bumping, rising and falling, as though he were no weight at all.

While Paul was surveying the persons of these kind friends, whom he never remembered to have seen before in the course of his life, the lawyer, who was a very sharp fellow, whispered to the magistrate; and that dignitary nodding as in assent, and eying the new-comers, inquired the names of Mr. Lobkins's witnesses. "Mr. Eustace Fitzherbert" and "Mr.

When the husband, passing his rough hand across his eyes, and muttering some vulgar impertinence or another had withdrawn, Mr. Saunders said, "Here be Bill Troutling, your worship!" "Oh, well," quoth the justice; "and now, Mr. Eustace Fitz Hallo, how's this! Where are Mr. William Howard Russell and his friend Mr. Eustace Fitzherbert?" "Echo answered, where?"

There are pensions to the amount of about 7,000£ a year which the present King will pay, and he will pay 6,000£ a year to Mrs. Fitzherbert, her charge on Brighton. She had 10,000£ a year before. Many pensions are struck off, one of 500£ to Sir J. Lake, many others, to jockies, &c.

It was plain that he had been walking up and down to warm himself. Robin could not make out his face very well, as he stood with his back to a torch. "Where have you been, my lad?" "I went to meet Anthony at one of the Dethick farms, sir John Merton's." "You met no one else?" "Yes, sir; Mr. Thomas FitzHerbert was there and dined with us. He rode with us, too, a little way."