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Yet even Giuliano did not at first impress men with his power. For what follows read Corio, Storia di Milano, pp. 417-20. Mach. 1st. Fior. lib. vii.; Corio, p. 420. See Corio, p. 420. Corio hints that the Venetians poisoned the Cardinal for fear of this convention being carried out. 1st. Fior, lib. i. vol. i. p. 38.

Among his other works are: Genièvre, 1849; Le Tailleur de Pierres de Saint Point, 1851; Fior d'Aliza, 1866; and the histories, Histoire de la Restauration, 1851-1853; Histoire de la Turquie, 1854; Histoire de la Russie, 1855. His wife died in 1863.

The phrases in italics show how thoroughly Machiavelli regarded the commonwealth as plastic. Not one of these men doubted that his nostrum would effect the cure of the republic undermined by slow consumption. St. Fior. lib. vi. cap. 4; vol. i. p. 294.

The automobile carried us then over to Broadway and at the Fior d'Italia our table was waiting and here we were served with sand-dabs au gratin, and a small glass of sauterne.

See, for instance, Berni's sonnets. In one of these, Berni very powerfully describes the vacillation and irresolution of Clement's state-policy. See Varchi's picture of the state of Rome, St. Fior. ii. So Luigi Guicciardini in his account of the sack of Rome relates. It is well known that at this crisis the Emperor seriously thought of putting an end to the State of the Church.

Lib. i. cap. 12. Ist. Fior. lib. i. Guicciardini, commenting upon the Discorsi of Machiavelli, begins his gloss upon the passage I have just translated, with these emphatic words: 'It would be impossible to speak so ill of the Roman Court but that more abuse would not be merited, seeing it is an infamy, an example of all the shames and scandals of the world. He then proceeds to argue, like Machiavelli, that the greatness of the Church prevented Italy from becoming a nation under one head, showing, however, at the same time that the Italians had derived much benefit from their division into separate states.

Segni, St. Fior. p. 53. The Compagnacci, one of the three great parties, only numbered 800 persons. In addition to the evils of internal factions we must reckon all the sources of mutual mistrust to which the republics were exposed. As the Italians had no notion of representative government, so they never conceived a confederation.

Varchi, vol. i. p. 168; compare vol. ii. p. 87, however. Ist. Fior. lib. ii. end. To multiply the instances of fraud and treason on the part of Italian condottieri would be easy. I have only mentioned the notable examples which fall within a critical period of five years. The Marquis of Pescara betrayed to Charles V. the league for the liberation of Italy, which he had joined at Milan.

The connections of his stories are admirable, his reflections just, his sneers and ironies incomparable, and his painting excellent. When Angelica, after having wandered over half the world alone with Orlando, pretends, notwithstanding, " -ch'el fior virginal cosi avea salvo, Come selo porto dal matern' alvo." The author adds, very gravely,

The dado, eight feet in height, in the gorgeous Corsini chapel in the Church of St. John Lateran, is formed of large tablets of highly-polished Fior di Persico, and the frieze that surrounds the whole chapel is composed of the same beautiful material, whose predominance over every other marble is the peculiarity of this sanctuary.