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A few teeth of the cave-lion, Felis spelaea, and two tusks of the wild boar, also found in the interior, were memorials perhaps of the chase. No remains of the same animals were met with among the external relics.

I purchased a small kitten, Felis serval, from an Unyoro man, who requested me to give it back to him to eat if it was likely to die, for it is considered very good food in Unyoro. Bombay at last arrived with Mabruki in high glee, dressed in cotton jumpers and drawers, presents given them by Petherick's outpost. Petherick himself was not there.

I made my frozen flight from him, I slammed a door on him, and he thrust his paw through a panel as though it had been paper and clawed for me. The paw got longer and longer.... "I screamed so loudly that my father came up from his study. "I remember that he took me in his arms. "'It's only a big sort of pussy, Poff, he said. 'FELIS TIGRIS. FELIS, you know, means cat. "But I knew better.

At the house whence the mulierose man had issued, a very unprepossessing old woman, with a teapot in her right hand, was opening the front door to admit a large yellow cat whom she addressed as "Mahoney," an appellation which, while not infrequently the family name of persons of Irish birth or descent, is of very seldom application to members of the domestic cat tribe, Felis cattus.

The grass-cat, not unlike Felis catus in its robust form and dark colour, but a larger, more powerful animal, inexpressibly savage in disposition. The second, Felis geoffroyi, is a larger and more beautiful animal, coloured like a leopard; it is called wood-cat, and, as the name would seem to indicate, is an intruder from wooded districts north of the pampas.

Felis megalotis; a tiger cat, said to be peculiar to Timor, where it exists only in the interior, and is very rare. Its nearest allies are in Java. 4. Cervus timoriensis; a deer, closely allied to the Javan and Moluccan species, if distinct. 5. A wild pig, Sus timoriensis; perhaps the same as some of the Moluccan species. 6. A shrew mouse, Sorex tenuis; supposed to be peculiar to Timor. 7.

Of course there are many exceptions when naturally savage tigers, without being man-eaters, attack and destroy unoffending natives without the slightest provocation; upon such occasions they leave the body uneaten, neither do they return to it again. Although the tiger belongs to the genus Felis, it differs from the cat in its peculiar fondness for water.

Others believe them to be distinct species and call the cat flea Ctenocephalus felis. So far as our personal comfort and safety is concerned it makes but little difference to us whether the flea that bites us is called canis or felis for they both look very much alike, and act alike and the bite of one hurts just as much as the bite of the other.

With these were associated the remains of Elephas antiquus, and bones of the genera Bos, Cervus, Sus, Ursus, Canis, and a large Felis.

Rengger, on the diseases of Cebus Azarae; on the diversity of the mental faculties of monkeys; on the Payaguas Indians; on the inferiority of Europeans to savages in their senses; revenge taken by monkeys; on maternal affection in a Cebus; on the reasoning powers of American monkeys; on the use of stones by monkeys for cracking hard nuts; on the sounds uttered by Cebus Azarae; on the signal-cries of monkeys; on the polygamous habits of Mycetes caraya; on the voice of the howling monkeys; on the odour of Cervus campestris; on the beards of Mycetes caraya and Pithecia Satanas; on the colours of Felis mitis; on the colours of Cervus paludosus; on sexual differences of colour in Mycetes; on the colour of the infant Guaranys; on the early maturity of the female of Cebus Azarae; on the beards of the Guaranys; on the emotional notes employed by monkeys; on American polygamous monkeys.