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She could not see how Emma's bluntness was to be refined, save by putting her into fashion's crucible; and this she more than once resolved to do, at any risk. With this resolution, however, there always came a fearfulness, which seemed a warning voice from the tomb, bidding her "beware;" and to this voice of warning she took reluctant heed.

Away, from curtain, carpet, sofa, book from "society" from city house, street, and modern improvements and luxuries away to the primitive winding, aforementioned wooded creek, with its untrimm'd bushes and turfy banks away from ligatures, tight boots, buttons, and the whole cast-iron civilized life from entourage of artificial store, machine, studio, office, parlor from tailordom and fashion's clothes from any clothes, perhaps, for the nonce, the summer heats advancing, there in those watery, shaded solitudes.

Surely the romance the charm of our present experiences would be put to flight once we exchanged salutations with the beau monde with that world that is so sceptical of any pleasure save that which blooms in its own hot-houses, and so disdainful of all forms of life save those that are modelled on fashion's types.

But they take up with the disgraceful and dangerous commerce of prostitutes, actresses, dancing-women, and that sort of trash; though, if they had common address, better achievements would be extremely easy. 'Un arrangement', which is in plain English a gallantry, is, at Paris, as necessary a part of a woman of fashion's establishment, as her house, stable, coach, etc.

Miss Delehanty adjusted a highly eccentric hat, a small green velvet, outrageously tilted off the rear of its bandeau, and a wide black streamer flowing down over one shoulder. It was the match to the explosive effect of the trotteur gown. She was Fashion's humoresque, except that Fashion has no sense of humor. Very presently Minneapolis would appraise her at two hundred and seventy-five as is.

As the gentleman's gentleman there was telling and boasting to me about now, when the barouche was ordered for them there at the lady's house, where Lady Dashfort is on a visit they said they would not get in till they'd get four horses; and their ladies backed them; and so the four horses was got; and they just drove out here to see the points of view for fashion's sake, like their betters; and up with their glasses, like their ladies; and then out with their watches, and 'Isn't it time to lunch? So there they have been lunching within on what they brought with them; for nothing in our house could they touch of course!

Both husband and wife had achieved no small success, and to succeed in such a city as New York in their chosen departments required a certain amount of genius. The savants had a general admiration for Mrs. Allen's style and taste, but found that she had nothing to offer on the social exchange of her parlors but fashion's smallest chit-chat. They had a certain respect for Mr.

"I will work; I will go where I cannot be hunted into a deeper hell than my accusing conscience brings up!" There was a grim vigilance in every movement of Dennis McNerney as he watched the now haggard-eyed Braun in the tank cell far below the decks, where Fashion's children gaily chattered.

The politicians arranged the programme in order to bunch events: for the women demanded that they be heard each session on the suffrage question; and the women pleaded for one opportunity to show their best gowns in parade for fashion's sake. So the politicians made one bite at the cherry; "took a double dose and had it over with," as Thelismer Thornton ungraciously expressed it.

England was feeling her power. War with France sharpened the shafts of satire, and every victory over the French increased a strong insular patriotism in all classes. Foote declared residence in Paris a necessary part of every man of fashion's education, because it "Gives 'em a relish for their own domestic happiness and a proper veneration for their own national liberties."