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Updated: August 11, 2024

Some fann'd with their downy Wings, her glowing Cheeks; while others brush'd the balmy Dew from off her Face, leaving alone a heavenly Moisture blubbing on her Lips, on which they drank and revell'd for their pains; Nay, so particular were their allotments in her service, that Aurelian was very positive a young Cupid who was but just Pen-feather'd, employ'd his naked Quills to pick her Teeth.

Now rising love they fann'd, now pleasing dole They breath'd in tender musings through the heart; And now a graver, sacred strain they stole, As when seraphic hands an hymn impart! Emily wept in doubtful joy and tenderness; and, when the strain ceased, she considered it as a signal, that Valancourt was about to leave the prison.

The two next lines in that Ode are, I think, very good: "Though fann'd by conquest's crimson wing, They mock the air with idle state."

Cradled in snow and fann'd by arctic air Shines, gentle BAROMETZ! thy golden hair; 285 Rooted in earth each cloven hoof descends, And round and round her flexile neck she bends; Crops the grey coral moss, and hoary thyme, Or laps with rosy tongue the melting rime; Eyes with mute tenderness her distant dam, 290 Or seems to bleat, a Vegetable Lamb. Polypodium Barometz. Tartarian Lamb.

As though some angels swept the strings, of harps ethereal o'er me hung, and fann'd me, as with seraph's wings, while thus the voices sweetly sung: "Be bold of heart, be strong of will, for unto thee by God is given, to roam the desert paths of earth, and thence explore the fields of heaven. Be bold of heart, be strong of will, and naught on earth shall lay thee low."

Æolus and all his boisterous Sons were banish'd from these happy Seats, and only kindly Breezes fann'd the fragrant Air. In short, all was ravishing, and Nature seem'd here to have given her last Perfection to her Works, and to rejoice in her finish'd Labours.

It was when he could reflect with composure on what had passed, that a cold tremor shot across his limbs, his hair bristled, and he was afraid to look around lest he should find at his elbow something more frightful than the first vision. It fann'd his cheek, it raised his hair, Like a meadow pale in spring; It mingled strangely with his fears, Yet it fell like a welcoming.

At the Dog's tail Argo moves on, and moving seems to sail; O'er her the Ram and Fishes have their place; The illustrious vessel touches, in her pace, The river's banks; which you may see winding and extending itself to a great length. The Fetters at the Fishes' tails are hung. By Nepa's head behold the Altar stand, Which by the breath of southern winds is fann'd; near which the Centaur

I beheld his body half-wasted away with long expectation and confinement, and felt what kind of sickness of the heart it was which arises from hope deferr'd. Upon looking nearer I saw him pale and feverish: in thirty years the western breeze had not once fann'd his blood; he had seen no sun, no moon, in all that time nor had the voice of friend or kinsman breathed through his lattice.

Prospecting thus the coming unsped days, and that new order in them marking the endless train of exercise, development, unwind, in nation as in man, which life is for we see, fore-indicated, amid these prospects and hopes, new law-forces of spoken and written language not merely the pedagogue-forms, correct, regular, familiar with precedents, made for matters of outside propriety, fine words, thoughts definitely told out but a language fann'd by the breath of Nature, which leaps overhead, cares mostly for impetus and effects, and for what it plants and invigorates to grow tallies life and character, and seldomer tells a thing than suggests or necessitates it.

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