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"She might have died and welcome," said Sancho, "when she pleased and how she pleased; and she might have left me alone, for I never made her fall in love or scorned her. I don't know nor can I imagine how the recovery of Altisidora, a damsel more fanciful than wise, can have, as I have said before, anything to do with the sufferings of Sancho Panza.

And if the traveller be of a fanciful turn, he will associate the place with the idea of some deserted country, resettled by a new race of men; and even if he be a mere matter-of-fact man, he cannot fail to perceive that the town must have been originally tenanted under a division of lands and an order of things quite different from those now existing.

The whole had at once a fanciful and practical air in Clennam's eyes, which was a welcome change; and, as often as he raised them from his first work of getting the array of business documents into perfect order, he glanced at these things with a feeling of pleasure in his pursuit that was new to him. Raising his eyes thus one day, he was surprised to see a bonnet labouring up the step-ladder.

He smiled provokingly; no doubt he was thinking that my studied compliment smelt of the oil of solitude. "And add shall I your compliments that they should have their airing at the hands of Monsieur Doltaire?" "I shall pay those compliments to Monsieur Doltaire himself one day," I replied. He waved his fingers. "The sentiments of one of the poems were commendable, fanciful.

Johnson was speaking here from the point of view of the reader only; but he might have noted also that the "irregular combinations of fanciful invention" tend to lose their interest even for the very writers who have been successful in supplying their readers with the "pleasures of sudden wonder."

They owe their name to the fanciful credulity of Magellan, who thus immortalized his conviction that they were of gigantic proportions Patagons, or Pentagons, that is, five cubits high. Sir Thomas Cavendish speaks of them as averaging seven to eight feet in stature.

It is for yourself I plead, that you would consider the calls which your country has upon your talents that you will not waste, in an idle and fanciful indulgence of an ill-placed predilection, time, which, well redeemed by active exertion, should lay the foundation of future distinction. Let me entreat that you would form a manly resolution" "It is enough, Miss Wardour; I see plainly that"

The latter makes all sorts of trouble-scenes, reproaches, etc.; while the former, who has just as good a right to complain, treats you, on the contrary, as though you were the special Providence of his hearth. Well, my friend was a quaint little woman, a brunette, fanciful, capricious, pious, superstitious, credulous as a monk, but charming.

Can he be afraid of meeting her again? 'Really, Hyacinth, you are fanciful! What now, now that she's his aunt practically? Can you really still be jealous? 'Horribly, said Hyacinth frankly. 'If she married his uncle a hundred times it wouldn't alter the fact that she's the only woman he's ever been madly in love with. 'Why, he adores you, Hyacinth!

Another time she might have smiled at the thought as fanciful: it seemed awfully real now. "I might give Val up yet," she murmured; "there's just time." She did not act upon the suggestion. Whether it was her warning, or whether it was not, she allowed it to slip from her.