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And Captain Stanley, aghast, fairly leaped in his stirrups. "Who are you?" he gasped. "What do you know of " His voice was smothered in the sudden out-crash of rifles, through which startled trumpets sounded, followed by the running explosions of cavalry carbines. "Attention! Draw sabres!" rang out a far voice in the increasing uproar.

The whole of Sebastopol was in flames, and every now and then terrible explosions took place, while the rising sun shining on the place had a most beautiful effect. The Russians were leaving the town by the bridge; all the three-deckers were sunk, the steamers alone remaining. Tons and tons of powder must have been blown up.

Then, "Two." Three, four and five followed, all counted seriously, carefully by Harry. Finally they turned back along the drift toward the stope, the acrid odor of dynamite smoke-cutting at their nostrils as they approached the spot where the explosions had occurred.

"It's the artillery now," he said, quivering with excitement. "The explosions come so fast I can hardly separate them. I never knew how long shells could screech before do you mean to say they are really across the river? Go into the alley, Big Abel, and tell me if you see the smoke."

Around the disinterred roots were quantities of stones mixed with sod, stones that had been sleeping in the recesses of the earth and had been brought to the surface by explosions. At intervals gleaming among the trees or blocking the roadway with an importunity which required some zigzagging was a series of pools, all alike, of regular geometrical circles.

Thus in Vesuvius, Etna, the Madeiras, the Canary Islands, and the Azores there is evidence of marine deposits of recent and tertiary date having been elevated to the height of a thousand feet, and sometimes more, since the commencement of the volcanic explosions.

A Belgian philosopher, from the study of statistics, has deduced a certain order in disorder, or a law of periodicity in the recurrence of murders, suicides, crimes, and illegitimate births; and it appears that a similar regularity of irregularity might be easily detected in our cyclic bank explosions.

Among the agencies employed by the Tamtonians to prove that one set of candidates is better than another, or to show that one political policy is more likely than another to promote the general prosperity, a high place is accorded to colored rags, flames of fire, noises made upon brass instruments, inarticulate shouts, explosions of gunpowder and lines of men walking and riding through the streets in cheap and tawdry costumes more or less alike.

"I happened to be at my window." "Tell me what you saw," said he. I told him and he nodded at intervals. "Just what a couple of other witnesses have told me," he said. "Submarines?" I asked. He shook his head. "The odds against a torpedo sending a ship straight up like that are enormous. And one would have heard two explosions which nobody did.

There have been so many cases of blindness as a result of dynamite explosions occurring in quarries and mines, that laws have been enacted for the protection of workmen. When a blast has been fired, and it is not certain that all the charges have exploded, no person is permitted to enter the place until forty-five minutes after the explosion.