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He went off with the Union forces, who raided that part of Mississippi, and before he went he told a rebel soldier, Godfrey Evans, who happened to be at home on a furlough, and who was skulking in the woods to avoid capture, that he had just buried a barrel containing eighty thousand dollars in gold and silver in his master's potato-patch, and that none of the family knew where it was.

Low temperature at night for first time. Min. 2.4°. Quite warm in tent. Wednesday, February 1. Camp 3. A day of comparative inactivity and some disappointment. Meares and Wilson returned at noon, reporting the ice out beyond the Razor Back Island no return to Cape Evans no pony snow-shoes alas! I have decided to make a start to-morrow without them.

At just about this same hour just about this same scene was being enacted upon another front porch in Whitewater there being the slight difference that this second porch was not softly illuminated by any frosted globule of incandescence. Up the three steps leading to this second porch Mr. Penfield Evans had that moment escorted Miss Elizabeth Sheridan. "Good-night, Penny," she said.

Captain Mackintosh considered the ice quite safe, and the fine morning no doubt tempted him to exchange the quarters at the hut for the greater comfort and better food at Cape Evans." However, at about 1 p.m., with the weather apparently changing for the worse, Mackintosh and Hayward left, after promising to turn back if the weather grew worse.

I have a great mind to be ill; it would be such a joke to be doctored by Master Philip!" "Ah! to think of your taking Mr. Frederick for poor Philip," said Jessie. "I assure you," nodding to Fred, "I take it as a great compliment, and so will Philip." "And is Fanny Evans as pretty as ever?" "Oh! grown quite fat and coarse," said Jessie; "but you may judge for yourself on Monday. Dear Mrs.

"The wall was pulled down about a month ago. Evans was going to have the house built deeper into the lot so he could use it as a cotton shed, but hasn't." "Bad that it was left that way. How long since the last scout came in?" "About an hour and a half." "And where was the enemy then?" "In the neighborhood of Gum Springs." "That's bad. The militia won't have time to get here."

Walk by it ere the world dims it. Go and leave me to repent the many unchristian tempers I have shown you in one short hour my heat and bitterness and arrogance in this solemn place." "His unchristian temper! poor soul! There, take me to the justices, Mr. Evans, and you follow me as soon as you like. Yes, my worthy friend, I will act upon an impulse for once Ugh!"

By the time supper was finished and his pipe alight he became almost jocular, and the coldness of Miss Evans was the only drawback to an otherwise enjoyable evening. "Just showing off a little temper," said her father, after she had withdrawn; "and wants to show she ain't going to forgive you too easy. Not but what you behaved badly; however, let bygones be bygones, that's my idea."

"The crowd has moved 'round back of the stalls to watch Harry Evans work on his machine. I stands with 'em fur a while, but Peewee has left. All of a sudden I see him poke his head 'round the end of the new stalls 'n' give me the high sign. "'What you standin' out in the rain fur? he says, when I gets near him. "'What else can I do? I says. "'Come on 'n' I'll show you, says Peewee.

Her boy should not spend so much time in idle play in the streets. She would begin that very afternoon and read to him some stories of local history, and impress upon his little mind, as Mrs. Evans was doing with her boy, by visiting with him all that she could of the places mentioned.