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Updated: August 25, 2024

Every unit of the company who lacks any part of the necessary equipment must immediately report at quartermaster's stores, where all wants will be supplied. Identity discs to be worn, swords must be cleaned and polished, and twenty-four hours' haversack rations are to be carried. The battalion has to entrain for some unknown destination when called upon."

The French were the last to entrain. The whole movement was covered by the two armoured trains under the command of Captain Bath, R.M.L.I. Before retiring the bluejackets blew up the bridge on our front and otherwise destroyed the line in a very workmanlike manner.

With rifles supplied by the Government, and with men acting as drill sergeants, she trained her girls until they were well versed in the elements of soldiering, and after they had become proficient in the use of the rifle she prepared to entrain for the front, this time an officer with a thousand or more soldiers under her command.

I cast my eyes round the table, and if I had not known that this was la serie amusante I should never have guessed it every one seemed so spiritless and "sans le moindre entrain," as my neighbor remarked. No excitement this evening but the dance. Waldteufel is suppressed!

Three days of this inert weather, or possibly less, should bring us to Miami. There Monsieur had expressed his intention of wiring the Roumanian, or some other, consul; then he would entrain with my little Princess, and well, that would be the end. All that day we poked along.

Two days later the book lover and Peter were taking a steamer for Varenna, whence they would entrain for Milan and so return to England. The meeting of Signor Poggi and Mr. Ganns afforded exquisite satisfaction to Albert, and Peter did not cloud his pleasure with any allusion to the future until the following morning.

Rose herself was violinist, and the instruments dashed into the opening allegro with a precision and an entrain that took the room by storm. In the middle of it, Langham pushed his way into the crowd round the drawing-room door.

C'�tait un entrain, une pr�cision et des sailles, une richesse de citations, une exactitude de d�tails qui faisait couler les heures; et quelquefois le petit cercle de ses intimes l'�coutait jusqu'� minuit, sans qu'un moment de fatigue se f�t peint sur ses traits ou que le feu de son regard se f�t un instant amorti.

Rumors reached the staff, as they neared the Galician border, that the Austrian fields below were already bleeding; finally word came, as they turned eastward, that they were to entrain at Fransic and make a junction with the main Russian columns preparing to invade Galicia from the northeast.

It isn't settled yet whether troops go from here via Canada or the Red Sea probably won't be until the Navy's had a chance to clear the road. All that's known yet is that Belgium's invaded, and that every living man Jack who can be hurried to the front in time to keep the Germans out of Paris will be sent. Hold yourself ready to entrain any minute, Kirby."

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