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Updated: August 10, 2024

"They are all books which excite laughter; and thou knowest, dear Toby, that there is no passion so serious as lust. "Stick a pin in the bosom of thy shirt, before thou enterest her parlor.

A second instance is that of David, where he saith, "Enter not into judgment with thy servant": O Lord; "for in thy sight shall no man living be justified." Lord, saith he, if thou enterest into judgment with me, I die, because I shall be condemned; for in thy sight I cannot be justified; to wit, by my own good deeds.

And when he had prayed he said to Fronto, "Depart, and be healed." And when he resisted, and remained within some days, Antony continued saying, "Thou canst not be healed if thou remainest here; go forth, and as soon as thou enterest Egypt, thou shalt see the sign which shall befall thee."

"And if in any chance of life thou stand not in outward appearances, nor judgest things which are seen and heard by the fleshly sense, but straightway in every cause enterest with Moses into the tabernacle to ask counsel of God; thou shalt hear a divine response and come forth instructed concerning many things that are and shall be.

He quickened his pace that the moment of irresolution might be the sooner over. "Wait!" his father commanded, as Marcantonio would have entered the palace gate; "haste ill befits thy grave and dignified purpose. Before thou enterest the Consiglio I would have thee reverently mark how, at the palace gate, Justice sits enthroned on high, between the Lions of St.

But beware how thou enterest any dwelling on thy route, or thou shalt feel the effects of my anger.” The Caliph, who, notwithstanding his habitual luxury, had never before dined with so much satisfaction, gave full scope to the joy of these golden tidings, and betook himself to drinking anew.

There is quietness in self-sacrifice, there is tranquillity in ceasing from mine own works and growing like the Master. 'The Cross is strength; the solemn Cross is gain. The Cross is Jesus' breast, Here giveth He the rest, That to His best beloved doth still remain. 'Take up thy cross daily, and thou enterest into His rest.

They are all books which excite laughter; and thou knowest, dear Toby, that there is no passion so serious as lust. Stick a pin in the bosom of thy shirt, before thou enterest her parlour.

Rollin, Fontenelle, and other French lights of the then firmament, his Letters to them exist; and could be given in some quantity: but it is better not. They are intrinsically the common Letters on such occasions: "O sublime demi-god of literature, how small are princely distinctions to such a glory as thine; thou who enterest within the veil of the temple, and issuest with thy face shining!"

But he saith, “When thou goest,” notwhen thou beginnest,” orwhen thou enterest.” If thou art but once upon thy progress, going and running, thou shalt find the way still the easier, and still the sweeter. Mark Christ’s own words: It is a yoke, though an easy one, and a burden, though a light one: a yoke to the flesh, but easy to the spirit; a burden to the old man, but light to the new man.

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