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That would be a mere waste of time. The thing must be done. I am now going to your sister, to consult with her. All you have got to do is to make up your mind that you will be in the next parliament, and you will succeed; for everything in this world depends upon will." "I think everything in this world depends upon woman," said Endymion. "It is the same thing," said Berengaria.

'Dorothy, he murmured tremblingly, and his voice sounded to him like that of some one speaking far away. He drew nearer, as one might approach a beloved ghost, anxious not to scare her. He laid his hand on Dick's neck, half fearful of finding him but a shadow. 'Richard! said Dorothy, looking down on him benignant as Diana upon Endymion.

He has himself an intelligence superior to all passion, I might say all feeling; and if, in dealing with such a being, we ourselves have either, we give him an advantage." "Well, all the same, I hope you will win the golden helm to-morrow," said Endymion, looking a little perplexed. "The golden casque that I am ordained to win," said the prince, "is not at Montfort Castle.

Mr. Ferrars resolved that Endymion should go to London immediately, and the preparations for his departure were urgent. Myra did everything. If she had been the head of a family she could not have been more thoughtful or apparently more experienced. If she had a doubt, she stepped over to Mrs. Penruddock and consulted her. As for Mrs.

"I will write her a little note in the morning," said Lady Montfort thoughtfully. "One may leave cards for ever. Mr. Wilton tells me you are quite his right hand." "Mr. Wilton is too kind to me," said Endymion. "One could not be excused for not doing one's best for such a master." "You like people to be kind to you?" said Lady Montfort.

To-day the individual to be influenced was Endymion, and the host, acting up to his ideal of a first minister, addressed questions to his companions on the subjects which were peculiarly their own, and, after eliciting their remarks, continued to complete the treatment of the theme with adequate ability, though in a manner authoritative, and, as Endymion thought, a little pompous.

I told him once, not long ago, when he fell out upon nature he had laid hands on a copy of Endymion belonging to me I don't know how the devil he got it I asked him whether he thought the devil made the world. You should have seen the white wrath he went into at the question! I told him it was generally believed one or the other did make the world.

She went on bathing the wound she, who could have bathed it with her tears. As time passed, and still the doctor did not come, she began to bandage it. She called on Polly for the bandages; then, still without looking up, she divined that Polly was useless was engaged in trying to catch Zeally's eye, and warn him or get a word with him. "He's pale as a ghost yet," said Endymion.

It was a round table, and Endymion was told by the same gentleman who had already addressed him, that he was to sit by Lady Montfort. "Lord Montfort is a little late to-day," she said, "but he wished me not to wait for him. And how are you after our parliamentary banquet?" she said, turning to Endymion; "I will introduce you to the Count of Ferroll."

This had happened some eight years before, when he was a lad of seventeen a strong, beautiful lad, his mother told me; and with a dreamy "poet's corner" in his brain, she added, but in her own better way of putting it. She had no shame that her shepherd should be an Endymion. In Switzerland they still look upon Nature as a respectable pursuit for a young man.