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Our journey was very successful and agreeable. We coasted round the whole peninsula, and went up to Madrid, Grenada, Seville, Cordova, &c. There is some idea that when Francis II. evacuates Gaeta, he will surrender it, not to Victor Emanuel, but to France. We have been very uneasy about him, and not without cause.

The letter is as follows: "John, Priest by the Almighty power of God and the Might of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, to his friend Emanuel, Prince of Constantinople, greeting, wishing him health, prosperity, and the continuance of Divine favour. "Our Majesty has been informed that you hold our Excellency in love, and that the report of our greatness has reached you.

They had long sat in quietness, only broken by the noise of turning leaves and crackling coals, but, in truth, if David Dubbs's eye, in its course to and from the clock, had not, like the world, worked silently on its axis, there must have been continual creaking when a noise like the name of David emanated from the ledger, and following it for it was near-sighted the head of Emanuel Griffin, Esq., lifted itself to an erect posture and repeated in a less muffled tone, "David!"

'And I have a word to thee, Emanuel Truelocke, he continued, suddenly turning, lifting his long right arm and pointing his long finger towards Mr. Truelocke, whose pale countenance, framed in his long white hair, could still be seen looking quietly at him.

With the pastors, they spread the idea that "Germany is the rock selected by Almighty God upon which to build His Empire." J. P. Bang, the able Danish Professor of Theology at the University of Copenhagen, writes clearly on this point. He says, when describing Emanuel Geibel:

He was singing at the concert " "So sorry I wasn't able to be here," Mrs. Prockter inserted, with effusive anxiety. "We missed you awfully," Helen properly responded. "The rector was inconsolable. So was everybody," she added, feeling that as a compliment the rector's grief might be deemed insufficient. "And he had a breakdown." "Who? Emanuel?" "Yes.

Some little reserve had accompanied the first surprise: that soon wore off; every mouth opened; every tongue wagged; teachers, pupils, the very servants, mouthed the name of "Emanuel." He, whose connection with the school was contemporary with its commencement, thus suddenly to withdraw! All felt it strange.

He then walked as quickly as his little, bent legs parabolic were they in outline, but, as this is not a geometric treatise, it is of no particular consequence would permit him up the long aisle in the centre of the room, and sent off timid little echoes of his steps to ramble away among the bales of crockery for it was crockery that Emanuel Griffin, Esq., dealt in and rattle among the piles of plates.

"As to the St. Pierre," he went on, recovering himself, for his voice had altered a little, "she once intended to be Madame Emanuel; and I don't know whither I might have been led, but for yonder little lattice with the light. Ah, magic lattice! what miracles of discovery hast thou wrought!

I in my chamber all the evening looking over my Osborn's works and new Emanuel Thesaurus Patriarchae. So late to bed, having ate nothing to-day but a piece of bread and cheese at the ale-house with Greatorex, and some bread and butter at home. 24th. At home all day. There dined with me Sir William Batten and his lady and daughter, Sir W. Pen, Mr.