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Updated: August 12, 2024

The wire, q, is soldered in the center, and is bent into the shape of a U, and kept in place by the pieces, r and s. In this way the two ends of it tend constantly to separate from each other. Messrs. Thomson & Bottomley likewise employ weights, simply, for submitting the wire to a constant stress. The apparatus is inclosed in a box provided with a glass cover. La Lumiere Electrique.

As may be seen, the system is not wanting in originality. Experience alone will permit of pronouncing upon the question as to whether it is as practical as ingenious. La Lumiere Electrique. Messrs. Thomson & Bottomley have recently invented a peculiar circuit cutter based upon the use of a metal whose melting point is exceedingly low.

It was therefore urgently required that this should be remedied, and from this point of view the new mode of winding the wire is an important improvement introduced into medical galvanometers. La Lumiere Electrique. Every one knows that life exists in a latent state in the seeds of plants, and may be preserved therein, so to speak, indefinitely.

With this arrangement the Wilmot people were much pleased. For they trusted Billy, and they knew while in the courts they were fighting to regain their property, he would see no harm came to it. Billy's title was Directeur Général et Inspecteur Municipal de Luminaire Electrique, which is some title, and his salary was fifty dollars a week.

The following year he was elected a Member of the Academy of Sciences, Paris. In 1879, he became editor of a new electrical journal established at Paris under the title of 'La Lumiere Electrique, and held the position until his death, which happened at Paris after a few days' illness on February 16, 1884.

The cork covering the carbons forms a dome. Any good telephone receiver when used in connection with this microphone, reproduces articulate speech with remarkable distinctness, especially hissing sounds, and with a loud and full tone. A description of this microphone was published in La Lumiere Electrique, of 15th April, 1882, and a drawing thereof on 29th April of same year.

In 1859, I myself undertook numerous researches on this subject, and experimented on the induction spark of the Ruhmkorff coil, the results of these researches having been published in the last two editions of my notes on the Ruhmkorff apparatus. These researches were summed up in the journal La Lumiere Electrique for June 15, 1879. Recently, Mr.

With this arrangement the Wilmot people were much pleased. For they trusted Billy, and they knew while in the courts they were righting to regain their property, he would see no harm came to it. Billy's title was Directeur General et Inspecteur Municipal de Luminaire Electrique, which is some title, and his salary was fifty dollars a week.

Nothing can be more desirable than that the societies of electricians of all countries shall continue the study of these questions with the desire of coming to a common understanding through a mutual sacrifice of certain preferences and habitudes. E. Dieudonne, in La Lumiere Electrique. By F. VANDERPOEL, of Newark, New Jersey.

The unbroken lines represent the curves obtained with the apparatus just described, while the dotted ones give the curve of deflection of an ordinary tangent galvanometer. These curves show that for strong intensities of current Mr. Kapp's instrument is more advantageous than the tangent galvanometer. Mr. La Lumiere Electrique.

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