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When the cars are coupled in pairs, three dynamos are used one of the machines being always held in reserve. All the dynamos are grouped for quantity. The company at present owns six closed and five open cars. In the former there is room for twenty-two persons. The weight of these cars varies between 3,500 and 4,000 kilos. La Lumiere Electrique.

A. Guerout, in La Lumiere Electrique. Prof. G. Forbes gives the following description: The instrument which I call Breguet's telephone is founded upon the instrument which was described by Lipmann, called the capillary electrometer. The phenomenon may be shown in a variety of ways.

P is the pile; C is the dial; and A is the commutator. It is evident that this apparatus will likewise be able to render services in scientific researches and laboratory operations, by sparing the operator the trouble of continually consulting his watch. La Lumiere Electrique.

Greisser and Friedrichs, at Stutzerbach, is remarkable for simplicity of construction and for the ease with which it is manipulated, and also because it enables us to arrive at a perfect vacuum. The characteristic of this pump is, according to La Lumiere Electrique, a tap of peculiar construction.

So in order to give longer duration to his experiment, Davy was obliged, on repeating it, to inclose the carbons in a glass globe like that used in the apparatus called the electric egg. The accompanying figure represents the experiment made under this form in the great ampitheater of the Royal Institution at London. La Lumiere Electrique. By H. KINGSFORD.

It will be observed that in this system integration is effected by forcing the pen to follow a certain direction, and that consequently the curve does not depend upon the dimensions of the different parts of the apparatus. La Lumiere Electrique. The apparatus represented in the accompanying cuts is designed for the manufacture of gaseous beverages, and is of Messrs. Boulet & Co.'s make.

Therein lies the entire question, and for our part we hesitate to pronounce ourselves in the negative. La Lumiere Electrique. M. Dochy. We reproduce the picture of Mr. Andre Brouillet, which was in the Salon of 1887; and that the subject may be better understood, we give the accompanying sketch and description.

It is to be hoped that these experiments, which can be easily repeated by means of the apparatus described above, will be repeated and discussed by electricians, and that they will contribute toward making known to us the nature of the mysterious agent that will give its name to our era. G. Mareschal, in La Lumiere Electrique.

We give herewith, from La Lumiere Electrique, several engravings illustrating the system. As may be seen on Figs. 2 and 3, the method selected for obtaining adhesion permits of ascending the steepest gradients, and that too with entire security.