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In reply to the old man's eager questions, as the large diamonds lay glittering on the table, and pointed every word, he said that a few of his Hottentots had found these for him; he had made them dig on a diamondiferous part of his estate, just by way of testing the matter; and this was the result; this, and a much larger stone, for which he had received eight thousand pounds from Posno.

He muttered whilst we ate, drinking plentifully of wine, and garnishing his draughts with oaths and to spare; and then, after falling silent and remaining so for the space of twenty minutes, during which I lighted my pipe and sat with my feet close to the furnace, listening with eager ears to the sounds of the ice and the dull crying of the wind, he exclaimed sulkily, "Your scheme is a failure.

Emily, bending over the body, gazed, for a moment, with an eager, frenzied eye; but, in the next, the lamp dropped from her hand, and she fell senseless at the foot of the couch. When her senses returned, she found herself surrounded by men, among whom was Barnardine, who were lifting her from the floor, and then bore her along the chamber.

Not alone every day but every second as it passed was full of eager interest to her. She could say with Thoreau, "I moments live who lived but years." We had both been invited to a large reception, on a certain evening, in one of the old palaces on the Arno.

Acting on this broad hint they all rose and scattered in different groups the professor going off ahead of his party in his eager haste, armed only with a butterfly-net.

Copley was serious, however, in his intention of finding out if possible who was on the island; and when they had passed up the rough path to the round table-stone, Ruth had got over her little shivery feeling and was as eager as Chess himself. They passed carefully through the fringe of brush and reached the open space where the blasted beech tree stood.

After Knapp's story came out I wrote up and asked them but no one round there remembered him." "Would you know him again if you saw him?" "If I saw him in the same clothes I would, but" he smiled into Chrystie's eager face "I'm not likely to do that. If it's he, he's got twelve thousand dollars and I guess he's spent some of it on a shave and a new suit." Here Mr.

Rayne when he returns to-morrow," I promised him. "Where shall he write to in order to make an appointment?" "I am at the Majestic Hotel at Harrogate," he answered. "I will await a letter I thank you very much," and he departed. Next afternoon when I gave Rayne the letter of introduction he became at once eager and somewhat excited. "Ring up the Majestic," he said.

Philip, who already began to suspect that a man who thought so much must be dangerous, was eager to find out the scheme over which William the Silent was supposed to be brooding, and wrote for fresh intelligence to the Duchess.

But his companions thought that they perceived that he was less eager to set out. They therefore concluded that he saw that the enterprise was impracticable, which they had also believed for some time. But they were mistaken. On the 25th of March, at midday, the repairs of the "Alaska" were completed, and she was once more afloat in the harbor of L'Orient.