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Der Bauer und der Hirt sind Soldaten worden, und in den Stadten sieht man nur Greise, Weiber, und Kinder, vielleicht noch hie und da einen jungen Mann, der aber durch empfangene Wunden ein Kruppel ist und den ihn umgebenden kleinen Knaben die Geschichte einer jeden Wunde mit einem so pathetischen Heldenton erzahlt, dassihr Herz schon der Trommel folgt, ehe sie recht gehen konnen.

Sie, die sich auch zur niedrigsten Klasse gutigst herablassen, und dadurch, wenn es moglich ist, noch grosser werden, als selbst durch ihre Siege, werden die meinigen nicht unerhort lassen und, zur Ehre Dero eigenen Ruhmes, Bedruckungen und Drangsalen abhelfen, welche wider alle Menschenliebe und wider alle gute Kriegszucht streiten. Ich bin &c."

"Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, durch unsern Herr Jesu Christe. Amen;" words so familiar, yet never heard without a new thrill. They are slightly uncouth in several matters, these Feldpastoren, and would not quite suit sundry metropolitan charges one wots of.

Nuremberg, 1608. 4to. Reise van Erfurt nach dem gelobten land, auch Spanien, Franckreich, Holland und England. Erfurt, 1605. 4to. Muntzer von Babenbergh, Reise von Venedig nach Jerusalem, Damascus und Constantinopel, 1556. Nurembergh. 4to. Brand, Reisen durch Brandenburgh, Preussen, Curland, Liefland, Plescovien und Muscovien. Nebst, A. Dobbins Beschriebung von Siberien, &c. Wesel, 1702. 8vo.

They contain, however, some valuable notices respecting the volcanic appearances in the district of Andernach. Briefe auf einer reise durch Deutschland, 1791. Leignitz, 1793. 2 vols. 8vo. Arts, manufactures, and economy, are the principal topics of these letters. Die Donnau reise. Ratesbonne. 1760. 8vo. These travels describe the banks of the Danube, and the streams which flow into it.

There are numerous expressions illustrating this such as degere vitam, vita defungi; or in Italian, si scampa cosi; or in German, man muss suchen durchzukommen; er wird schon durch die Welt kommen, and so on. In old age it is indeed a consolation to think that the work of life is over and done with.

This work, translated from the Danish, though tedious and prolix, supplies many curious particulars respecting the natural history of the country and the manners of the people. OEconomische Reise durch Island. Von Olavius. Leip. 4to. Landt's Description of the Feroe Islands. Translated from the Danish. 8vo.

The Germans like to interpret the tricolor of their flag as signifying Durch Nacht und Blut zur Licht. But plainly the night and bloodshed do not always lead to light, and of themselves they cannot. Nor, must we think, need the world continue always to seek its way toward light only through the blackness and guilt of wars and revolutions.

One of the best known of the English Sentimental Journeys was the work of Samuel Paterson, entitled, “Another Traveller: or Cursory Remarks and Critical Observations made upon a Journey through Part of the Netherlands, by Coriat Junior,” London, 1768, two volumes. The author protested in a pamphlet published a little later that his work was not an imitation of Sterne, that it was in the press before Yorick’s book appeared; but a reviewer calls his attention to the sentimental journeying already published in Shandy. This work was translated into German asEmpfindsame Reisen durch einen Theil der Niederlande,” Bützow, 1774-1775,

A Visit to Spain in the latter part of 1822, and the first four Months of 1823. By Michael Quin. 8vo. 1823. A sensible and impartial view of the state of Spain at this interesting period; giving much insight into the character of the Spaniards. Reise beschriebung durch Spanien und Portugal. Von M. Zeiller. Ulm, 1631. 8vo. Reise beschrieburg nach Spanien. Franchfort, 1676. 8vo.