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He remained awake for hours, in fact, thinking over the strange thing he had seen "in a dream." Meanwhile Smith was having a similar experience with Dulnop. The young fellow was, like Corrus, alone at the time; and he, too, was made very excited and restless by what he saw. Billie was unable to work upon her bee.

A little way back a hollow in the rock! 'Tis big enough to shelter me! I would rather stay there than go on!" "Ye would rather die there, alone!" Cunora hid her face. "Let me have half the food! I can go back to the pool for water! And maybe," hopefully "maybe They will give up the search in time." "Aye," from Rolla, bitterly. "And in time Dulnop will die, if we do nothing for him and for Corrus!"

Or were They, as the books from Venus seemed to indicate, another type of creature, entirely different from the humans, and yet, because of the peculiar Sanusian conditions, superior to the humans? "They have decided to move their city a little farther away from the forest," Rolla overheard Dulnop telling Cunora; which was the first indication that the planet boasted such a thing as a city.

But Corrus and Dulnop were as ignorant of this as their teeth were devoid of fillings. Not until then did it occur to the four watchers on the earth that there was anything premature about the affair. It was Smith who first observed: "Say, Van, I never thought to impress Dulnop with any plan for using the fire. How about you and Corrus?" "By George!" seriously, from the geologist.

He carried a huge club, such as must have weighed all of forty pounds, while his belt was jammed full of stone weapons. The doctor classed him and the younger girl together because of their vigor and independence, while Dulnop and Rolla seemed to have dispositions very similar in their comparative gentleness and restraint. "Hail, all of ye!" shouted this latest arrival in a booming baritone.

And immediately the two set to work trying to reach their agents' minds. They failed! Dulnop and Corrus were both too excited, far too wide awake, to feel even the united efforts of all four on the earth. And the two Sanusians marched straight into the village without the remotest idea of how they should act. "It is a flower!" he shrieked, frantic with joy.

For, henceforth, fire would replace Mownoth as their chief god; it was easy to see that. Moreover, both Corrus and Dulnop, as primitive people will, had been irresistibly seized by the spirit of the mob. They threw their burden down and joined in the frenzy of the dance. Louder and louder they shouted; faster and faster they capered.

His prodigious chest was better than a small pair of bellows, and he blew just as he had been told in the vision. Presently a small flame appeared in the tinder, and leaped eagerly upward. Both men jumped back, and for lack of enough air the flame went out. "Never mind!" exclaimed Dulnop at Corrus's crestfallen look.

At a distance of perhaps half a mile they stopped and stared hard at the scene ahead of them. "Hear ye anything, Cunora?" asked the older woman. The girl's keen ears had caught a sound. "Methinks something hath aroused our people. I wonder " "Cunora!" gasped Rolla excitedly. "Think ye that Corrus and Dulnop have succeeded in growing the flower?" They ran nearer.

And before Kinney severed his connection with the Sanusian, she had begun the task of mixing up a fresh combination of these ingredients in a new trough. In the midst of this she heard a sound; and turning about, waved a hand excitedly toward a distant figure on the far side of a nearby field. Meanwhile Smith had managed to get in touch with Dulnop.