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Updated: August 20, 2024

I tell you fair: if I but kent the heid of a Hebrew word from the hurdies of it, be dammed but I would fling the whole thing up and turn minister!" "It's rather a hard position," said I. "Dooms hard!" cries he. "And that's what makes me think so much of ye you that's no Stewart to stick your head so deep in Stewart business. And for what, I do not know: unless it was the sense of duty."

Our dungeons are gorged with them. No day passes that we do not render our tribunals bloody by the dooms which we pronounce, or in which we do not return to our homes, discountenanted and terrified at the horrible confessions which we have heard.

What a great day that was Plancus being M. P. and I a boy in a provincial town when the Blues and the Reds meant broken heads, and the flowing tide of beer, and spruce carriages with beribboned horses, and jocund waggonettes, and bands and banners, and "hoorays," and shuttered shops, and an outpour of citizens; a day festive, yet solemn, pregnant with mysterious dooms and destinies, fatal, ineluctable, if victory fell to the wrong-coloured ribbons.

The very inclination that dooms me thither should furnish reasons for my staying away." In this mood, the Herrnhuthers, in their right-angled, whitewashed world, were little attractive.

It must not be thought, though, that they ousted the flowers of nature. Roses, lilies, carnations in particular, looked over the rims of vases and surveyed the bright lives and swift dooms of their artificial relations. Mr. Stuart Ormond made this very observation; and charming it was thought; and Kitty Craster married him on the strength of it six months later.

'You must not talk about such things with him, or indeed about anything. You must keep him as quiet as ever you can. 'I thocht he was comin' till himsel', returned Robert. 'But I will tak care, I assure ye, doctor. Only I'm feared I may fa' asleep the nicht, for I was dooms sleepy this mornin'. 'I will send Johnston as soon as I get home, and you must go to bed when he comes.

The dooms they were all to meet with, if once he got them into his power, would have done for Foxe's book of Martyrs. But much as we enjoyed this time we were not idle; we were making constant preparations for the great struggle that must, we knew, inevitably take place between us and the pirates.

Already they had a lodgment in Northumberland, so that the larger part of England had fallen into Danish hands. The names of towns ending in by, as Whitby, are of Danish origin. Alfred compiled a body of laws called dooms, founded monasteries, and fostered learning. He himself translated many books from the Latin. His bravery in conflict with the Danes enabled him to spend his last years in quiet.

Watch farmers' horses loose in a field when hounds are in the vicinity, and you will see them careering madly up and down, as if they too would like to join in hunting the fox, although their avocation in life dooms them to the placid work of drawing a plough or heavy cart.

Wi'oot ony thing to weet them, they're dooms dry. What say ye to a chorus o' �schylus?" Alec's habits of study had been quite broken up of late. Even the medical lectures and the hospital classes had been neglected. So �schylus could not be much of a consolatory amusement in the blank which follows all exorcism.

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