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Mr Grinder submitted a plan of certain alterations that he would require the Corporation to make at the Kiosk, and, provided the Council agreed to do this work he was willing to take a lease of the place for five years at L20 per year. Councillor Didlum proposed that the offer of the 'Cosy Corner Refreshment Co. Ltd' be accepted and the required alterations proceeded with at once.

He told them of certain Thoughts that had occurred to his mind on his way there that afternoon; and as they listened, Sweater, Rushton, Didlum, Hunter, and the other disciples exchanged significant looks and gestures. Was it not magnificent! Such power! Such reasoning!

'That's the very thing I was just thinkin' about, cried Didlum.

J. DIDLUM & CO LTD. Complete House Furnishers QUALITY STREET, MUGSBOROUGH Under the terms of your agreement you guaranteed that the money should be paid on the Saturday of every fourth week. To prevent unpleasantness, we must request you for the future to forward the full amount punctually upon that day. Yours truly, J. DIDLUM & CO. LTD

Mr Didlum seconded the vote of condolence in similar terms, and it was carried unanimously. Then the Chairman said that the next business was to elect a successor to the departed paragon; and immediately no fewer than nine members rose to propose a suitable person they each had a noble-minded friend or relative willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the poor.

Another meeting was held, presided over by Mr Adam Sweater Rushton and Didlum also being present. Profound dejection was depicted on the countenances of those assembled slave-drivers as they listened to the delegates' report.

'It's a bit differint from the Royal Caff, where we got the sack, ain't it? remarked the Semi-drunk to Bill Bates as they made their way to the dining-room in response to the announcement that dinner was ready. 'Not arf! replied Bill. Rushton, with Didlum and Grinder and his other friends, sat at the round table near the piano.

An individual in a long black garment the 'minister' now whispered something to Miss Didlum, who was seated at the organ, whereupon she began to play, and the 'believers' began to sing, as loud as they could so as to drown the voices of the disturbers of the meeting, a song called 'Oh, that will be Glory for me!

He had been to see Didlum, who said he didn't want to be hard on them, and that he would keep the things together for three months, and if Easton had paid up arrears by that time he could have them back again, but there was, in Easton's opinion, very little chance of that. Owen listened with contempt and anger.

From time to time nearly all their other possessions things of inferior value that Didlum would not look at, she carried out and sold at small second-hand shops in back streets or pledged at the pawn-broker's. The feather pillows, sheets, and blankets: bits of carpet or oilcloth, and as much of their clothing as was saleable or pawnable.