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Meets had been made for two long trains at a point where the passing track was not large enough to accommodate either one of them, and the result was thirty minutes lost by both of them in "raw hiding" by. Many other discrepancies were noticeable, but these sufficed to show that Krantzer's abilities as a despatcher were of a very low order.

But something had to be done, so I finally told the despatcher that Nos. 21 and 22 were in the ditch, and he snapped back, "D n it, I've been expecting it, and have ordered the wrecking outfit out from Watsego. You turn your red-light and hold everything that comes along. In the meantime go wake up the day man. I want an operator there, and not a ham."

"Williams thought he saw it as we came around Point-o'-Rocks, and he was afraid the despatcher had got balled up some and let 'em get past Little Butte without a meet-order."

He is in the direct line of promotion, and some day will be a despatcher himself. I never regretted my leniency. In addition to the main line, I had a branch of thirty-eight miles, running from Bentonville up to Sandia. The despatching for this branch was done from my office, and when we wanted anyone there Bentonville would cut us through.

It was some ten years after I had begun to pound brass, that I awoke one fine morning to find myself offered the position of chief despatcher on the central division of the C. N. & Q. Railway, with headquarters at Selbyville.

"Barring accidents, there is no reason why we shouldn't begin to figure definitely upon the result, is there?" M'Tosh was leaning over Despatcher Donohue's shoulder.

Declining a stool, Gertrude was sitting on a chair of ties. One, projecting at her side, made a rest for her elbow and she reclined her head upon her hand as she watched the flames leap. "The incident Miss Donner asked about occurred when I was despatching," began the superintendent. "Oh, are you a despatcher, too?" asked Louise, clasping her hands upon her knee as she leaned forward.

I have two things to do: first to find out the real seducer, who is probably also the despatcher of the parcels to the late lieutenant of Northumberland Fusiliers, and second, to save if I can this poor fool of a shipyard draughtsman from punishment for his folly. I don't doubt that he honestly thought he was dealing with me." "He will have to be punished. The Admiral will insist upon that."

Speech left me entirely then, and I am afraid I would have been most beautifully thumped, had not Sanders, the trainmaster, come over and stopped him. He called him "De Armand," and I then knew he was the second trick despatcher. After many efforts De Armand told Sanders how I had mocked him.

The artless simplicity of Red-Butte-Western methods, or unmethods, was dying hard, inexcusably hard. "Does the night despatcher happen to know just where 204 is, at this present moment?" he inquired with gentle irony. Bradford laughed. "I'd be willing to bet a piebald pinto against a no-account yaller dog that he don't.