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"Almost as hot," he said, "as if I was cheering at a boat-race, or wrangling over a betting-book eh? Ah, we were so easily heated when I was a young man! Let's change the subject. I know nothing to the prejudice of your friend, Mr. Delamayn.

Glenarm's hand flew out with the stealthy rapidity of a cat's paw, to seize and destroy it. Quick as she was, her rival was quicker still. For an instant they faced each other breathless one with the letter held behind her; one with her hand still stretched out. At the same moment before a word more had passed between them the glass door opened; and Julius Delamayn appeared in the room.

He started, and touched his hat, when he saw the two gentlemen in the summer-house. "What do you want?" asked Sir Patrick "I beg your pardon, Sir; I was sent by my master " "Who is your master?" "The Honorable Mr. Delamayn, Sir." "Do you mean Mr. Geoffrey Delamayn?" asked Arnold. "No, Sir. Mr. Geoffrey's brother Mr. Julius.

He held the men who understood the subject breathless with interest. There it was! the famous "staying power" that was to endure in the last terrible half-mile of the race, when the nimble and jaunty Fleetwood was run off his legs. Whispers had been spread abroad hinting at something which had gone wrong with Delamayn in his training.

"But you ought to know me better than to say that. I am the bearer of a letter from Geoffrey." She was an the point of following his example, and of speaking of Geoffrey by his Christian name, on her side. But she checked herself, before the word had passed her lips. "Do you mean Mr. Delamayn?" she asked, coldly. "Yes." "What occasion have I for a letter from Mr. Delamayn?"

Delamayn did her best to encourage Blanche to talk, and Blanche did her best to meet the advances made to her. The experiment succeeded but poorly on either side. Mrs. Delamayn gave it up in despair, and turned to Lady Lundie, with a strong suspicion that some unpleasant subject of reflection was preying privately on the bride's mind. The conclusion was soundly drawn.

Delamayn in broken health!" she exclaimed, appealing to the better sense of her eminent medical guest. "Really, now, you can't expect us to believe that!" Stung into action for the second time by the startling assertion of which he had been made the subject, Geoffrey rose, and looked the surgeon, steadily and insolently, straight in the face. "Do you mean what you say?" he asked. "Yes."

Delamayn the opportunity of hearing it. But the lawyer's eye was habitually watchful, and the lawyer saw him. Mastering in a moment his first natural astonishment at the liberty taken with him, Mr. He advanced, resolute to contradict his client, to his client's own face. The voluble Lady Jane interrupted him before he could open his lips. "Might I ask one question? Is the aspect south?

"Am I mistaken?" said her ladyship, lifting her eye-glass, and looking round the tables. "Surely there is a member of our party missing? I don't see Mr. Geoffrey Delamayn." "Geoffrey promised to be here. But he is not particularly attentive, as you may have noticed, to keeping engagements of this sort. Every thing is sacrificed to his training. We only see him at rare intervals now."

It is, at any rate, certain that he left England, never to return again. Another man lost, Report said. Add to that, a man in ten thousand and, for once, Report might claim to be right. Mr. Delamayn comes next. The rising solicitor was struck off the roll, at his own request and entered himself as a student at one of the Inns of Court.