United States or Turks and Caicos Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He is stranded there, not high and dry, anything but that on the contrary, soaked through and through, and at very low level indeed during what the local officials regard as their deadest time in all the twenty-four hours: what one of them, later on, terms emphatically their deadest and buriedest time.

"He'll catch the man, to the deadest certainty. He's got the brains of the whole police force in his own head. You should have stayed to enjoy the excitement." Auntie, whitened and flabby-looking under her smart violet toque, reiterated the statement that she could not have stayed another night. "It's been a great shock.

However, one was for Bassett and t'other for Ellis, so the deadlock wa'n't broken. Jotham had only a couple of his reg'lars left, and I swan to man if THEY didn't catch the disease inside of the follerin' fortni't and hand in their names. The 'Billiard, Pool, and Sipio Saloon, from bein' the liveliest place in town, was now the deadest.

The night was very dark: it was the night of December the 12th, old style, the longest and deadest of the year. Far below him in the black abyss on which the wall looked down, a few oil lamps marked the island and the town beyond the Rhone.

'I couldn't find the texas-tender; I had to go all the way to the pantry. 'Derned likely story! Fill up the stove. I proceeded to do so. He watched me like a cat. Presently he shouted 'Put down that shovel! Deadest numskull I ever saw ain't even got sense enough to load up a stove. All through the watch this sort of thing went on.

For they are dead from the ears up. They have not thought a new thought the past month. Sometimes they sit and think, but generally they just sit. They have not gone south an inch the past year. Usually the deadest loafer is married to the livest woman. Nature tries to maintain an equilibrium. They block the wheels of progress and get in the way of the people trying to go on south.

The will reads, until you come of age, providing you had settled down and showed that you could take care of yourself. Father didn't leave his money to either of us to be drunk up, or wasted." "Prodigal son, eh, Jack? Well, I'm it. What's the use of getting sore at me? All I want is a couple of hundred and I'll get out of this town mighty quick. It's the deadest burg I've struck yet."

Or when you come, do you see some other lady? Assuming for the sake of argument that you don't come, I can't help feeling rather relieved, for if you ever thought my mind at all above the deadest dead level of my sex a sex that most gentlemen either secretly or openly believe to be vastly inferior mentally to their own, anyway you would receive a fearful shock if you should arrive and see me now.

They ain't nothin' to take me anywheres. I've set two hours in the deadest game of draw nothing excitin', no hands, an' broke even. Played a rubber of cribbage with Skiff Mitchell for the drinks, an' now I'm that languid for somethin' doin' that I'm perambulatin' the streets on the chance of seein' a dogfight, or a argument, or somethin'." "I've got something better on hand," Smoke answered.

I don't mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge, what there is particularly dead about a door-nail. I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin-nail as the deadest piece of ironmongery in the trade. But the wisdom of our ancestors is in the simile; and my unhallowed hands shall not disturb it, or the Country's done for.